Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

7 Up

(Published on 29. January 2022, 18:05 by Ceedrich)

A fun little Puzzle to solve in-between. I hope you have fun!

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

The digits in a cage must sum to the number in its upper left corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Adjacent cells connected with an X must sum to 10.

The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow if permitted by other rules.

Digits along diagonals pointed to by arrows outside the grid must sum to the number listed. Digits may repeat along the diagonal if otherwise allowed by normal Sudoku rules.

A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are shown.

The inequality symbol points to the smaller cell.

You can solve the puzzle online here:



Solution code: Row 5 and column 6, 18 digits total

Solved by Cane_Puzzles, jalebc, SKORP17, Fedo , DanScacca, Konzert, Enkerro, OutOfMyMindBRB, absolutebeginner, MatthewDonovan, Raistlen, efnenu, Crul, alecjw, Nothere, Marcos, apendleton, rayn, ako, butch02, ... cascadeshiker, scushuaishuai, Dez256, september, drifting, Rearden, Nonio7, mango, LachyDachy, Hugo-Bob, jjtheplum, Javier Rebottaro, k2u5as, vexillophilia, renegade_duck, The Bard, koiking, Juanfox
Full list


on 1. September 2023, 18:08 by dmarcucci
The solve is very smooth. There is always a clue for the next step that is available.

on 15. January 2023, 10:30 by zrbakhtiar
1 star yes. But absolutely no beginner

on 31. January 2022, 12:17 by ForzaFcu
@weiken, I had exactly the same. started this puzzle 5 times again. then i saw your comment :)

on 30. January 2022, 12:39 by geronimo92
@weiken : the ruleset only talks about X not V that could have helped....

on 30. January 2022, 08:21 by linux203
I kind of expected the solution code to be row 7 and column 7. ;)

on 30. January 2022, 08:19 by weiken
It took me longer than I would admit to realise the V in box 4 is NOT XV.

Rating:88 %
Solved:196 times
Observed:9 times

Standard puzzle Beginners Online solving tool

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