Solution code: The negative diagonal (R1C1 to R4C4) of each puzzle, A to D, in order (16 digits total)
on 24. February 2025, 03:49 by earthpuzzles
What fun! Have you done a 6x6 or 9x9 of these? I loved how the grids interacted.
Oh hey, I'm catching you live! :D What a great idea, to do a larger version of this one, I felt like I was out of ideas these days, but somehow I had never thought of doing that, and that certainly seems very tempting, thank you so much for the suggestion -- and incidentally, major thanks also for the streak of solves on my puzzles and for the continuous support, this hasn't gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated!
on 9. September 2024, 15:17 by Silverstep
That was not very nice. The LMD page should have the most complete version of the rules, not "...arrow rules are standard". I wouldn't even be able to give the *solution code* if penpa breaks, since the grids here aren't even labeled A to D!
My bad! Originally the picture didn’t show the track cells, which I thought was not representative of the actual puzzle, and also the setup was slightly different, so I quickly redid it and forgot about the lettering. This has been fixed (including the Arrow rules)
I have to say though, I can’t help but feel that this could have been brought up earlier, rather than kept for use as the sole basis for that public ‘Puzzle solved’ comment
on 1. February 2024, 18:00 by The Book Wyrm
Fun little puzzle(s)!
Not too difficult (with a little Doppelganger experience), but some very interesting deductions. I liked how the multiple grids interacted with each other, that was really well done
What an amazing surprise, thank you so much for your solve and kind words, I greatly appreciate it! :D
on 3. November 2023, 12:44 by Yann
Tricky but very interesting, some deep doppelganger logic shows up, thanks !
And I'll try to set at least one doppelganger puzzle, I still don't know with which constraint ! Maybe a CC...
Thank you once again for yet another solve and the kind words!
That'd be awesome if you were to set a Doppelganger puzzle -- I might have told you already, but it's been my hope since even before I posted my very first puzzle, that better setters than I would start using my ruleset and just take it from there, and I kind of look forward with a mix of hope and bittersweetness to the day where somebody will set a Doppelganger puzzle that I won't be able to solve haha. In any case, you have my support! :D
on 22. October 2023, 22:24 by wullemuus
Incredible what a logic can be placed in such a little puzzle complex! It took me more time than I expected to solve this just because of the variety of interactions between all of them (thanks to the "0"!). Really enjoyable!
Thank you so much for solving this one as well! They're a tricky bunch, aren't they? XD But with this one, this completes your Doppelganger journey (I'm not counting the 'Munchkins' pack, as it's likely I'll deactivate it at some point, especially now with the Discord pack published)
So you've solved ALL the Still Life's and ALL the Doppelgangers! As far as I know, you're the first one to do so, congrats! ALTHOUGH... I have to mention, in the meantime, a new setter has created a Still Life with Sktx's ruleset hehe, so you have one more to go! ;-) It's dodomos's Double Ender, and it's not as easy as it looks!
on 22. July 2022, 03:45 by Kafkapharnaum
Added example, clarifications, the whole shabang
on 22. July 2022, 03:33 by Kafkapharnaum
(Estimated difficulty change + related comment)
on 22. July 2022, 03:28 by Samish
Outstanding puzzle, an absolute joy to solve ! Probably my favourite of the not-to-hard doppelgänger puzzles, it really requires to get one’s head around the variant, and once it’s done it’s quite fun ! Closest to a 3.5-4/5 for me, regarding how new and dense this is. Very well done !
Thank you so much! Yes, after your comment(s), I decided to up the estimated difficulty to 4, and I understand better now why it was "neglected"... In any case, thanks so much again for that streak of solves on these puzzles! :D
on 19. March 2022, 10:44 by Piatato
Still quite intimidating to me, haha! Very nice, though, looking forward to checking out the other doppelganger puzzles!
I understand that feeling, as it's exactly what went through my head with regards to the 9x9 CA puzzles after working through the 16 4x4 pack you worked on haha
Thank you so much for your solve, comment and interest in these doppelganger puzzles, and once again for your contribution to that amazing 16 pack, it was an absolute blast testing it! :D
Thanks a lot for testing the pack, btw! I think that the original 9x9 CA puzzle is not too hard now that you know a few tricks. :-)
on 31. January 2022, 22:14 by jgreenfield
Another great doppelganger puzzle -- this one is totally approachable and quite enjoyable to work through.
Thank you so much for yet another solve on one of these puzzles and for the kind words, I greatly appreciate it
I really had my hopes up for this one and was a bit taken aback by the lack of solves, but as soon as you posted your comment, it got an Observe, so you just might have helped turn the tide there -- thanks again!
on 28. January 2022, 19:42 by filuta
It was a great fun to test this. The linking of the grids adds some complexity, but also makes it an approachable introduction to the variant at the same time, which I actually found quite remarkable.
Thank you so much for entering your solve, and once again for testing and providing all these great ideas. Kind of a shame that nobody else will get to try them apparently, but hey, we're having fun together, so that's something :-)
I'll be looking forward to return the favor and test your nexr puzzle! (as long as it doesn't involve complex numbers ;-P)