Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-sums Parity Confetti

(Published on 24. January 2022, 08:32 by Playmaker6174)

The following is probably one of my most fun puzzles that I've worked on for a while, but I still struggled quite a lot to make the path work. The difficulty is estimated to be about 4-4.5 but I hope this will be an enjoyable one to everyone as to me :)

(maybe next time I'll touch something else besides these parity lines :P)


- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.

- A clue outside the grid (green highlighted) shows the total of the first X cells from its corresponding direction, where X is the value of the first cell.

- Numbers along a gray line (which can be either single digit or two-digit number) must have the same parity (i.e. all odds or all evens), and they also form a set of non-repeating consecutive numbers in terms of their respective parity in any order.
So for example, a 3 cells line if it's all odd then some configurations can be like 3-7-5, 11-9-7, 23-21-25...

(Let me know if someone here can provide more extra link[s] for this puzzle; answer check in penpa will be activated once the outside clues are filled as well, outside clues are filled by 'number' mode)


Penpa plus link

Good luck and have fun solving!

Solution code: Row 7 (left to right) and column 4 (top to bottom) in sudoku grid, 18 digits long with no space

Solved by Piatato, rmn, JayForty, SudokuExplorer, marcmees, Vebby, MagnusJosefsson, Jesper, PrimeWeasel, abed hawila, Aspartagcus, tallcat, Knitabit, henrypijames, DillyK, grkles, polar, ManuH, Aaronomys, Mark Sweep, Niverio, AvonD, Mody, Crul, lerroyy, ysbg123, h5663454, by81996672, Bobbobert, Bankey, Sewerin
Full list


on 31. July 2023, 11:32 by Bankey
Fantastic puzzle; look forward to more like this. Thanks, @ Playmaker6174 :).

Last changed on 3. February 2022, 18:37

on 3. February 2022, 18:09 by Playmaker6174
Thank you again for more lovely feedbacks, I'm happy that everyone had great fun as well :)
@mathpesto: Thank you very much for your efforts and I'm glad you're interested too! When I looked at the clues again, I realized some limitations that F-puzzle and CTC app have compared to Penpa+, since two-digit numbers may be big problems when it comes to entering the numbers in the clue, so I may want to reconsider adding link options again (maybe you can enter number with text option during solving in F-puzzle instead).

on 2. February 2022, 05:11 by mathpesto
I haven't had the chance yet to try out this puzzle, but it looks fascinating!

I saw your request at the bottom... I've recently been constructing various puzzles with clues escaping the grid. I haven't found a perfect way to do so on F-Puzzles other than expanding the grid size and adjusting the regions; the downside is you have to turn off the conflict highlighter. Here's a version of your puzzle on F-Puzzles if you want to use it:


And CtC:


on 30. January 2022, 17:30 by Aaronomys
Absolutely amazing puzzle!

on 29. January 2022, 18:33 by grkles
wowowowow! i love puzzles where the clues escape the grid, and this was fantastic.

on 26. January 2022, 16:19 by Aspartagcus
Very cool deductions in this one, loved it! Never solved a puzzle with this kind of parity renban lines, it was and interesting constraint with surprising effects. :) Well done, PM6174!

on 25. January 2022, 23:54 by abed hawila
What a beauty! very enjoyable!

on 25. January 2022, 13:23 by PrimeWeasel
Just great!

on 25. January 2022, 08:50 by Jesper
Very nice, fun puzzle!

on 25. January 2022, 07:58 by Playmaker6174
Thanks everyone for warm and lovely feedbacks! Glad that everyone enjoyed this fun journey :)

on 24. January 2022, 17:22 by Vebby
Really cool puzzle! Great fun to solve :)

on 24. January 2022, 17:03 by marcmees
Enjoyed that. thanks.

on 24. January 2022, 17:01 by SudokuExplorer
Excellent! I liked how restrictive the well-chosen clues ended up being, thanks! :-)

on 24. January 2022, 13:05 by JayForty
Beautiful puzzle! I really enjoyed it.

on 24. January 2022, 12:24 by Mad-Tyas
This is an amazing puzzle! Unfortunately I broke it at some point and I have no idea where it went wrong.
I hope I'll be able to solve it in a 2nd attempt.

on 24. January 2022, 09:16 by Piatato
Great puzzle! I had a lot of fun with it.

Rating:99 %
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Observed:8 times

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