Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 13. February 2022, 04:37 by wooferzfg)

This puzzle was created by Jakhob and wooferzfg. It is the first puzzle in the uN-Chained Puzzle Pack, which focuses on a Sudoku variant called N-Chains.


An N-Chain is a set of N cells in a row or column that point to each other in a path to form a cycle. Here is an example of a 5-Chain in a row:

The 7 points to column 7, which has a 4.
The 4 points to column 4, which has a 5.
The 5 points to column 5, which has a 3.
The 3 points to column 3, which has a 2.
The 2 points to column 2, which has a 7, completing the 5-Chain.

N-Chain Clues

A pair of colored boxes in a row or column indicates that there is an N-Chain that stays between the boxes and includes both boxes. The length of the N-Chain is given in the top left corners of the boxes. Blue boxes show N-Chains in rows, and red boxes show N-Chains in columns.

Here is a 6x6 example puzzle:

Play the Example on CTC

Play the Example on f-puzzles


Normal Sudoku and N-Chain rules apply.

Cells separated by a black dot must contain digits in a 1:2 ratio. Cells separated by a white dot must contain consecutive digits. Not all dots are given.

Play on CTC

Play on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 2 followed by Row 8

Last changed on on 25. January 2023, 16:07

Solved by Jakhob, SenatorGronk, efnenu, Crul, SpaceWilly, cfop, marcmees, manushand, randomra, SKORP17, Raistlen, SirSchmoopy, nmouzakitis, Godrick, awesomesauce, nyxie, PatientMustard, tobymgk, mathpesto, StephenR, zrbakhtiar, tuturitu, Bellsita, elainakb
Full list


on 28. July 2022, 23:39 by mathpesto
Very cool puzzle! Not too tricky, but lots of lovely steps, and every clue felt very intentional.

Rating:86 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:9 times

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