Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kropki Chaos

(Published on 23. January 2022, 04:19 by mathpesto)

I've really enjoyed solving chaos construction sudokus recently and wanted to try setting my own for the first time. It was a real challenge, but I'm pleased with the result and I hope you enjoy it! If you're feeling stuck, post a hidden message or find me on Discord. Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please be sure to check out my other puzzles here.


Each row, column, and region must contain the digits 1–9 exactly once. Regions must be determined.

A white dot between cells indicates that they are in the same region and their digits are consecutive.

A black dot between cells indicates that they are in different regions and their digits are in a 1:2 ratio.

Not all dots are necessarily given.

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on Cracking the Cryptic

Solve on Penpa+ (Thanks SudokuExplorer!)


Solution code: Enter columns 7 and 8 (18 digits, no spaces)

Last changed on on 24. March 2022, 03:32

Solved by cdwg2000, Greg, henrypijames, Jesper, marcmees, SudokuExplorer, DanScacca, cmb, Piatato, Statistica, Uhu, 111chrisi, KNT, twobear, tinounou, abed hawila, zlotnleo, jesterketch, polar, FlowJo, ... h5663454, Jodelbanane, by81996672, smartmagpie, tuckerbucket, Dentones, Counterfeitly, P12345, ManuH, Sewerin, Vasefire, Calvinball, Felis_Timon, steeto, Mathemagier, BeeBoi, SudokuHero, Chefofdeath
Full list


on 12. July 2022, 18:07 by StephenR
Thanks, enjoyed this a lot even if it did take me a while to get going.

on 24. April 2022, 21:28 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ mathpesto :)

on 27. January 2022, 22:20 by Annunakki
Extraordinary! I enjoyed every single moment of this puzzle. Beautiful!

Last changed on 26. January 2022, 18:24

on 26. January 2022, 17:35 by zetamath
Oh awesome to see this kropki rule percolating, I used it in my second puzzle ever! Would it be okay if I did your puzzles on my youtube stream?


@zetamath Please pass along the link to your puzzle with this ruleset. And I'd be honored if you'd solve my puzzles on your stream! Let me know when and I'd love to watch. -MathPesto

on 24. January 2022, 21:43 by abed hawila
Beautiful puzzle!

on 24. January 2022, 17:04 by twobear
Great puzzle, thank you!

on 24. January 2022, 03:10 by Piatato
Great puzzle! Such a clean and elegant construction!

on 23. January 2022, 23:22 by mathpesto
Added walkthrough of solution and Penpa+ link

Last changed on 23. January 2022, 23:24

on 23. January 2022, 23:17 by SudokuExplorer
I remember wanting to make one with a similar ruleset a while back, but with the negative constraint and kept on breaking it. I'm really pleased you ended up making one. Thanks, it was a joy to solve! :-)

Here's a Penpa+ link: https://tinyurl.com/Kropki-Chaos-by-mathpesto


@SudokuExplorer Thanks so much for the Penpa+, I'll add it to the description. Glad to read you enjoyed solving it! I too initially intended for a negative constraint, but couldn't get it to work.

on 23. January 2022, 21:13 by marcmees
good fun. thanks.

on 23. January 2022, 14:17 by Jesper
Very nice, thanks!

on 23. January 2022, 06:39 by cdwg2000
Original idea, clever design!

Rating:97 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:9 times

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