Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kr-Oops-ki Dots

(Published on 21. January 2022, 13:55 by Big Tiger)


Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout.

A black dot between two cells indicates that the numbers (not necessarily single digits!) on either side of the dot have a 1:2 ratio. A string of digits reading 2-8-1-4, with the dot between the 8 and the 1, would indicate 14:28, which fulfills the required 1:2 ratio.

Numbers with two or more digits will read from left to right or down the grid in the correct order, but may be on either side of the Kropki dot as usual -- 4:8 and 8:4 are acceptable, as is 6:12 and 12:6. (2-1-6 is not correct, as that would represent 21, not 12.)

A digit in a large circle is part of a Kropki ratio, and indicates how many digits are in the entire ratio. 27:54 requires four digits, so the 4 would be circled. Each circle is part of only one Kropki ratio, and any ratio that does not contain the digit representing its total digit count will not have a circle.

Each black Kropki ratio is separate from every other black Kropki ratio. No digit on the grid is part of more than one black Kropki ratio.

Finally, the white Kropki dots are standard: The digit in one cell will be numerically consecutive with the digit in the other cell.

Solution code: Row 1, then Row 4

Solved by SirWoezel, marcmees, bigger, Jesper, SKORP17, Nylimb
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on 23. January 2022, 13:32 by Big Tiger
Come on, everyone, you know you want to give it a go! :-P

Last changed on 21. January 2022, 20:01

on 21. January 2022, 16:10 by SirWoezel
Fun puzzle. And welcome back Big Tiger!

** Thank you!

Solved:6 times
Observed:7 times

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