Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and the 9 irregular region.
The digits beside the thick line has a difference of 1.
All possible thick line are given. All borders of each region is shown. Borders may looks like or even overlap the thick line.
If you’re confused about the rule, that’s what everybody think. Isn’t the thicc lines looks a little bit like the border? I don’t know how much you guys are familiar with the bar consecutive we used for every consecutive rather than the dot consecutive as in kropki, so I really don’t know how much fun you might get merely by trying to understand the rule.
Actually, there’s an easier, more understandable way of explaining the rule, which is in the hidden comment. Old Mile actually made some other puzzles with this idea, in a different rule of course, with no borders. It’s like hamslice’s shattered palindrome, except with consecutive and vx, and one more constraint, no thick lines in a region. However, I can’t solve those. I just, can’t. non-consecutive is just not logic enough for me to deal with. In the end, we came to a common ground. It’s too Latin Square. Regions doesn’t have a role while solving the puzzle. Let alone there’s a hidden balance between given digits and given clues in consecutive to make the solution too frustrating or straight shot. And jigsaw is just a no no territory. It doesn’t need 17 digits to reach single solution. Adding variant to it complicates the problem.
As for this one, I was not planning for a new year puzzle. I was thinking this one as another April 1st trick. However, when I add given digits 1 and 2, it just want to be a new year puzzle. Fine then. If you are interested in this kind of rule, you can check my play on vx last year.
comment october, damn i'm good. next time, grey grid line, not black and no pen drawn line. so raw.
Solution code: region contains R1C1 followed by region contains R9C1(18 digits), in reading order, from top row to bottom, from left to right
on 18. January 2022, 18:40 by SudokuExplorer
Fun and playful concept, thanks! :-) I agree that adding the chaos construction tag will be helpful for future solvers to find it (I know you don't like that term, but still).
bigger: I really don't want to be the odd one out in that tag. I think this puzzle has more in common with region divided puzzles like Fillimino than region drawing. And I think I set too much region drawing puzzles. I really don't want to see region drawing becoming the only variant irregular can offer. there must be other variants where the regions' borders are not all gone. i just have to find it, some day.
on 18. January 2022, 18:12 by marcmees
some nice logic in there. Interesting negative constraint. Fun & approachable, even if it doesn't attract a lot of attention. Could get labeled as a chaos construction too, I guess.
bigger:I really don't think this one should has that label. The regions are already there, no drawing needed. the label lovers might backfire this puzzle for it's not what they usually see. but there is one label I'm interested in, i don't think it's here, the holiday special label. Story label could also be nice. right now, there's only mystery label and portal special label, not interested enough for me to add it.