- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Digits along arrow lines sum to the figure as read (e.g. 23) in the arrow's pill.
- Digits along purple Renban lines are consecutive, but in any order.
A fully rotationally symmetric inital puzzle grid! Hope you enjoy it. 😄 Any feedback and comments welcome!
Solution code: Column 1 (top to bottom) & Row 8 (left to right) (18 digits)
on 25. March 2022, 17:25 by zetamath
An astonishingly beautiful grid, and also a very nice solve path!
on 17. March 2022, 05:01 by mathpesto
Very lovely! Such an impressive feat to construct something so symmetrical.
on 16. January 2022, 23:28 by Phistomefel
Nice one! Thank you, Xenonetix! :)
on 16. January 2022, 15:40 by Ragna
Wow! :-))
on 15. January 2022, 18:22 by aruvi
What a gorgeous puzzle! After all the renbans are resolved, the logic to resolve the non-renban arrows made me laugh out with sheer joy, a lovely puzzle overall.