Bag Of Holding
(Published on 15. January 2022, 12:00 by starwarigami)
Place the digits
1-9 in the grid so that every row, column, and 3x2 box contains every digit exactly once.
To enable this, there are exactly 3 Schrödinger cells in each box, containing a superposition of two different digits.
The following additional constraints apply
- Renban: All digits in cells along the pink line form a set of consecutive digits in any order.
- German Whispers: Any digits in a cell on the green line has a difference of at least 5 from every digit in adjacent cells along the line.
- Arrow: The sum of all digits along an arrow equals the sum of the digit(s) in the connected circle.
- Thermo: Digits in cells along the thermometer increase from the bulb end. Both digits in a Schrödinger cell must be stricty greater than any digit in the previous cell along the thermometer and less than any digit in the next.
- Killer: The sum of all digits in the cage equals the indicated total.
- XV: All digits in the cells separated by an X sum to 10. All digits in the cells separated by a V sum to 5.
- Kropki Dots: Digits in cells separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits in cells separated by the black dot must be in a ratio 2:1. Any digit in a Schrödinger cell must honour that relationship with every digit in the adjoining cell.
- Quadruple: Every digit in the large circle must appear at least once in the 4 surrounging cells.
- Odd/Even: Any digit in the cell containing a shaded circle must be odd. Any digit in the cell containing a shaded square must be even.
ctc link
Other Schrödinger Cell puzzles you may enjoy:
Some of my other favourite creations:
Solution code: All single digit cells, (left to right, top to bottom) - 18 digits, no spaces
Last changed on -
Solved by Mad-Tyas, kolot, SudokuExplorer, Crul, silver585987, dhdydg, tome_coelho, jgreenfield, Pibonacci, derKrampus, AstralSky, cdwg2000, bolado, zrbakhtiar
on 28. January 2022, 14:31 by Pibonacci
This was fun, though I think the Schrödinger idea, which I like a lot, flows better with a single Schrödinger cell per row/column/box.
on 15. January 2022, 14:20 by SudokuExplorer
Thanks for the fun little treat! :-) I noticed that you changed the killer rules from last time.
Those who want to try another mini puzzle with Schrödinger cells (or gossiping cells in the link) but with the anti-queen constraint can try the puzzle with id=00048Z.
The Schrödinger cells concept kind of reminds me of Parquet Sudoku (essentially divide the Schrödinger cell into two triangular cells).
Some solvers may also like the related Doppleganger concept of Kafkapharnaum with id=0005Q2