Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaos Construction: Snake

(Published on 14. January 2022, 19:55 by Jay Dyer)

Chaos Construction: Snake


  • Every row, column, and 9-cell region must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each. The 9-cell regions must be determined by the solver.
  • A path exists in the grid, starting and ending at the grid boundary and only moving orthogonally, such that each cell is visited exactly once. The 9-cell regions each consist of 9 consecutive cells along the path.
  • Clues outside the grid give the number of corners on the path in the indicated row or column. Not all clues are given.

Solve on Penpa+ or CTC.

Solution code: Rows 5 and 6

Solved by Jesper, kublai, polar, MagnusJosefsson, Lizzy01, bernhard, filuta, mobiustrip, marcmees, Mip, thefallenrat, Dandelo, robals, Martijn314, Christounet, PixelPlucker, misko, Vebby, Lavender Gooms, Uhu, quantumquark1, Paletron, h5663454, MusicGusto, Piatato, Shape, DarthParadox, SudokuHero, StephenR, kingoffries
Full list


on 27. October 2024, 00:53 by StephenR
Enjoyed that, thanks, a refreshing twist on a theme which requires a bit of thought up front. And then more later on.

on 25. May 2024, 22:51 by Piatato
Lovely puzzle, thanks!

on 25. May 2024, 22:07 by MusicGusto
Brilliant puzzle!

on 3. June 2022, 14:54 by Christounet
Nice construction ! Thanks

on 26. April 2022, 21:29 by robals
Loved this type of clues, but found it very hard! Fun puzzle in any case!

on 2. April 2022, 13:49 by thefallenrat
Took me over 2 hours because of misassumption. Requires a bit of concentration on deducing the regions, the irregular sudoku part was a breeze. Great puzzle nontheless!

on 16. January 2022, 23:52 by filuta
I enjoyed this original ruleset a lot. Thanks for making such a fun puzzle.

on 15. January 2022, 12:13 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! Fun and interesting logic in the snake part, and finishing irregular sudoku is fast and easy. Funny enough, I posted a puzzle last year with exactly the same name, although the ruleset and logic is quite different :).

on 14. January 2022, 23:56 by polar
Fun puzzle and quite straightforward. I think it may be clearer to state the 9 consecutive cells portion of the rules as 'The path must enter each 9 cell region exactly once'. Thanks :)

on 14. January 2022, 20:45 by Jesper
Fun, unusual concept! I enjoyed that - thanks!

Rating:98 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:10 times

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