Chaos Construction: Snake
Solution code: Rows 5 and 6
on 27. October 2024, 00:53 by StephenR
Enjoyed that, thanks, a refreshing twist on a theme which requires a bit of thought up front. And then more later on.
on 25. May 2024, 22:51 by Piatato
Lovely puzzle, thanks!
on 25. May 2024, 22:07 by MusicGusto
Brilliant puzzle!
on 3. June 2022, 14:54 by Christounet
Nice construction ! Thanks
on 26. April 2022, 21:29 by robals
Loved this type of clues, but found it very hard! Fun puzzle in any case!
on 2. April 2022, 13:49 by thefallenrat
Took me over 2 hours because of misassumption. Requires a bit of concentration on deducing the regions, the irregular sudoku part was a breeze. Great puzzle nontheless!
on 16. January 2022, 23:52 by filuta
I enjoyed this original ruleset a lot. Thanks for making such a fun puzzle.
on 15. January 2022, 12:13 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! Fun and interesting logic in the snake part, and finishing irregular sudoku is fast and easy. Funny enough, I posted a puzzle last year with exactly the same name, although the ruleset and logic is quite different :).
on 14. January 2022, 23:56 by polar
Fun puzzle and quite straightforward. I think it may be clearer to state the 9 consecutive cells portion of the rules as 'The path must enter each 9 cell region exactly once'. Thanks :)
on 14. January 2022, 20:45 by Jesper
Fun, unusual concept! I enjoyed that - thanks!