Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Just Arrows and Dots

(Published on 13. January 2022, 20:31 by GBPack)

1) Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2) Digits along an ARROW must sum to the digit in the associated circle.

3) Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive digits. ALL POSSIBLE WHITE DOTS ARE GIVEN.

You can play it here: f-puzzles. Or here: CTC-App

Solution code: Row 2 + Row 9 (18 digits)

Solved by jalebc, SKORP17, Steven R, cfop, PippoForte, Elliott810, Ragna, mathpesto, Julianl, rmn, PinkNickels, loscpi, logwal99, Ood, davidjshort, karen_birgitta, LeLoyJenkins, Kabuki73, jhuijts, achim-t, LKegel, theParad0x, mobiustrip, Fago, Phistomefel, Fedo , ManuH, Uhu, Kigor, apwelho, by81996672, OhHeyGuysItsMax
Full list


on 14. January 2022, 20:06 by loscpi
Awesome problem! Thanks

on 14. January 2022, 13:59 by mathpesto
Wonderful break-in and amazed at how such little information resulted in a unique solution!

on 14. January 2022, 09:28 by Elliott810
A little beauty, especially the break-in. Thx:)

Rating:88 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:7 times

Standard puzzle

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