Solution code: Row 7 and Column 7
(left to right, top to bottom, no spaces)
on 26. April 2023, 16:40 by Bankey
Very novel ruleset. Thanks for sharing, @ Andrewsarchus :)
on 14. January 2022, 06:36 by ScatterBrain
This was not easy. I had to restart twice. But it followed a good progression and was a great idea. Thanks!
on 13. January 2022, 17:31 by SKORP17
Der Circle zählt also die Ziffern, die um den Circle herum sind und nicht auf der Renban-Linie vorhanden sind.
on 13. January 2022, 14:13 by SKORP17
Circles on a renban line count the orthogonally and diagonally adjacent cells with digits that do not occur on the renban.
Kreise auf einer Renban-Linie zählen die orthogonalen und diagonalen benachbarten Zellen, die eine benachbarte Ziffer enthalten, die jedoch nicht auf der Linie selbst auftritt.
Habe ich das richtig verstanden?
Yes, I believe you have understood correctly.
But just in case, let me provide an example:
if a completed length-4 renban line contains the digits 3,4,5,6 then any circles on that line must count the digits from {1,2,7,8,9} that are in the cells surrounding that circle.
on 13. January 2022, 12:25 by Piatato
Terrific puzzle! Lots of refreshing logic. :-D