Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Compass Cave

(Published on 14. January 2022, 08:26 by MagnusJosefsson)

This puzzle is a Cave variant that uses compass arrows as clues, treating the cave and each section of wall as different regions.
If you enjoy this puzzle, you may wish to try some other puzzles using the compass mechanism, e.g. my Compass Fillomino series or the Compass Sudoku puzzles by stephane.bura.


Blacken some cells such that all white cells are orthogonally connected and all black cells are orthogonally connected to the edge of the grid.

An arrow in a cell indicates that the black or white orthogonally connected region at the base of the arrow extends a total of X cells in the direction of the arrow, where X is the number in the cell (to be determined by the solver).

Each number in a white cell must also equal how many cells can be seen from that position, where you can see only horizontally and vertically and the view is limited by the next black cell or the edge of the grid. The cell with the number itself is included in the count.

Each number in a black cell must also equal the total number of cells in that orthogonally connected region of black cells.

Not all arrows are given.


Link for solving the example online: Penpa+

The puzzle:

Link for solving online:



Solution code: All numbers in cells with arrows, in reading direction. For the example, the solution code is 23252.

Solved by Jesper, Vebby, marcmees, polar, Mark Sweep, Statistica, starelev5, OGRussHood, KNT, Niverio, cdwg2000, Alfred, MazzleFlush, Agent, harrison, Sewerin, pandiani42, Jaych, horst35, hurrdurr, lerroyy, Christounet, Paletron, Catlover, LeiZ123321, Gqsp, draftstyle, tottle321, Tacosian
Full list


on 25. February 2024, 17:10 by Christounet
Superb ! The example took me longer to figure out than the puzzle itself ! Probably because it helped me understand some implications of the ruleset and paved the way into the main puzzle opening. The placement and interactions of the clues work magic. Thanks :)

on 26. December 2022, 15:04 by Agent
Beautiful logic! Great execution of the ruleset.

Last changed on 5. October 2022, 09:49

on 30. September 2022, 13:03 by Niverio
Wow, this one going under the radar of so many solvers is a crime. Hopefully this now well-deserved rating will let people discover this gem.
Glad you liked the puzzle Niverio, and thanks for getting my final unrated puzzle rated. :) /Magnus

on 24. September 2022, 02:57 by KNT
I struggled with this quite a bit more than i expected, nonetheless pretty cool & i maybe fear for a #2 if it ever comes in the future

Last changed on 18. September 2022, 15:22

on 18. September 2022, 15:07 by zetamath
Can I have your permission to do your puzzles on my stream? I have really enjoyed the ones I have done privately in the past!
Absolutely, go ahead, I'd be honored :) . /Magnus

Last changed on 27. January 2022, 23:40

on 27. January 2022, 08:27 by Statistica
Ganz klasse mit einer eleganten Schlusspointe!
Vielen Dank Statistica! /Magnus

Last changed on 16. January 2022, 13:54

on 16. January 2022, 10:47 by Mark Sweep
Again very nice and interesting use of Compass constraints in another genre, Magnus. Upon seeing this, I wasn't quite sure how even the example was unique, but after solving that, the main puzzle solved very smoothly. Would love to see more of these!
Thanks Mark! Possibly I'll do another one in a while. At the moment I am working on some other puzzle types though :). /Magnus

Last changed on 16. January 2022, 13:51

on 14. January 2022, 14:51 by polar
Very enjoyable - thank you!
Thanks a lot polar, glad you liked it! :) /Magnus

Last changed on 16. January 2022, 13:51

on 14. January 2022, 14:24 by marcmees
Very nice. Got me hesitating at one point but overcame my dizzyness and proceeded. Thanks.
Thank you marcmees! /Magnus

Last changed on 16. January 2022, 13:50

on 14. January 2022, 14:05 by Vebby
Great puzzle! Took a little time to wrap my head around the restrictions, but after that it was fairly smooth. Giving it 4 stars difficulty for the initial deductions. Thanks Magnus! Good to see you back :)
Thank you Vebby! Yeah, the break-in is probably the hardest part of the puzzle. It was actually surprisingly difficult to make an easy break-in for this puzzle type using only the compass arrows. :) /Magnus

Last changed on 16. January 2022, 13:46

on 14. January 2022, 12:45 by Jesper
Excellent! I really enjoy the type of logic used here. Well worth the time to get familiar with the ruleset.
Thanks Jesper! /Magnus

Rating:100 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:5 times

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