Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 10. January 2022, 06:28 by zetamath)

Normalish sudoku rules apply: Every row column and box contains the digits 0-9 once each. To accomodate this, one cell in each row, column, and box is a Schrödinger cell: it contains two digits.

Normal renban rules apply. The cells of a renban contain a nonrepeating set of digits which form a consecutive sequence, in any order. If one or more Schrödinger cells are used, both digits must be part of that sequence.

Normal X rules apply. The sum of ALL the digits in cells separated by an X sum to 10. Not all X's are necessarily given. This allows for some non-standard X's. See the example below.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on CTC

(Note that the CTC app allows you to enter 0 just as any other digit, so no special considerations are needed for this unusual rule set.)

Solution code: The digits in the Schrödinger cells from the first row to the last, with the lower of the two digits in each row entered first.

Last changed on on 10. January 2022, 06:34

Solved by starwarigami, Jesper, JeremyDover, Myxo, thetiredsaint, grkles, Playmaker6174, Qodec, polar, Angelo, KNT, Vebby, marcmees, MagnusJosefsson, Knitabit, virtual, ManuH, jwsinclair, tinounou, zlotnleo, ... Las4one, SpecSheets, tome_coelho, Hazem-77, Vim, Counterfeitly, URKR455, MicroStudy, samjna0049, teuthida, Bobbobert, Paletron, -Tsigje-, pkp, Exigus, dawsonjones2020, Elliott810, jakestilesowen
Full list


on 30. January 2025, 16:46 by jakestilesowen
Reasonable break-in and surprising solve path. Good puzzle.

on 10. August 2022, 22:11 by StephenR
What a ride. Never done an S-cell puzzle before, but based on this beauty looking forward to dipping my toe in again.

on 10. March 2022, 23:09 by Christounet
Brilliant ! Very nice use of the S-cells !

on 18. January 2022, 05:40 by tallcat
I had originally figured this would be 5/5 all the way but once i got over the initial hurdle, it actually fell into place rather smoothly.

on 18. January 2022, 03:15 by twototenth
Tough but fair. (And also brilliant. So basically it's the Professor McGonagall of puzzles.)

on 14. January 2022, 02:54 by pwfd
I had the same feeling “virtual” had about some X implication, I bet it was the same one. This was hard but really felt like a bread crumb path you could follow logically, beautiful!

on 13. January 2022, 18:40 by henrypijames
This reminded me of your legendary nabneR puzzle right away: both toying with some mind-boggling renban geometry, and both forcing me to stare at them for hours with no clue on where to begin.

on 13. January 2022, 06:34 by acdlite
Incredibly elegant construction! I love this ruleset. It felt brutally hard at times because I kept quadruple checking my logic. But every step was well-telegraphed. I'm so satisfied (and relieved) that I managed to solve it.

on 11. January 2022, 19:37 by virtual
Absolutely lovely! The break-in felt well telegraphed and prepared me for the later parts of the solve path. The slightly twisted logic evoked my favorite kind of brain expanding feeling!
I kept thinking "Oh, it would be really cool if X implication of the rules happened." just before finding that exact thing in the grid. Beautiful puzzle!

on 11. January 2022, 12:14 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle!

on 11. January 2022, 10:18 by marcmees
nice one in the schrödinger series.

on 11. January 2022, 01:39 by Vebby
Masterful setting! Great fun to solve. Thanks zetamath! :)

on 10. January 2022, 22:29 by Angelo
This puzzle breaks your standard way of thinking. I really liked that it challenged me to rethink every otherwise trivial step. Well done!

on 10. January 2022, 21:24 by Qodec
Brilliant! Don't miss this one.

on 10. January 2022, 20:45 by polar
Very enjoyable - thank you! :)

on 10. January 2022, 20:19 by Playmaker6174
I must say, this really brought some troubles for me at the start but actually, it's a really gorgeous start and the flow after that felt quite smooth with some consistent logics that require good observations. Already one of my favorite puzzles of this year ;)

on 10. January 2022, 19:22 by grkles
What an incredible puzzle. Going on my favorites list!

on 10. January 2022, 15:01 by JeremyDover
Awesome puzzle! I loved how the logic with the Schrödinger cells paired with the Renban and X clues to yield some very counterintuitive patterns. Thanks for your craft!

on 10. January 2022, 13:01 by Jesper
Very nice! A lot of fun to solve :)

on 10. January 2022, 07:33 by starwarigami
Awesome puzzle! Glad to see my original concept being picked up and taken to new heights

on 10. January 2022, 06:34 by zetamath
(Fixed a spelling error. Thanks rangsk!)

Rating:100 %
Solved:91 times
Observed:11 times

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