Renban: Each purple renban line must contain a non-repeating set of consecutive digits, which may appear in any order.
Kropki pairs: Cells connected by a white dot must contain consecutive digits. Cells connected by a black dot must contain digits in a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible dots are given.
Solution code: Row 4 + Column 8 (18 digits)
on 10. August 2022, 01:23 by Calvinball
I know I'm a few months late to the party on this puzzle, but thank you so much for taking the time to set it.
It may not be a big deal to a lot of people on this forum, but I've been trying to up the difficulty in solves lately, and this is my first ever LMD 5star solve! So excited!
on 6. February 2022, 04:42 by JayBird
There was once a time where a puzzle like this would have scared me away from even trying it. I'll be honest. When I first opened the puzzle, I had no clue where to even begin. I just decided to at least give it a try. Before I knew it, I was actually on some kind of path to solving it. And after 56 minutes, I had my first digit! Maybe not that exciting to some, but I had no CLUE how to even BEGIN this puzzle, and suddenly I had a digit! That was actually very satisfying in its own right, but it only continued from there. I stuck with it and it took me more than 2 hours, but this was the first puzzle that I truly thought was beyond my level, and yet, with enough perseverance, I actually made it through. I hope that this comment can serve as some inspiration to somebody else out there who may have looked at this and just passed it off as something unsolvable to them, and just giving it an honest chance and finding that you did have it in you after all.
-Wow! Thank you for considering my puzzle worth that kind of effort and perseverance. And, well done on getting through it! -SSG
on 4. February 2022, 17:13 by kuraban
Brilliant puzzle. Loved the break-in.