Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

12 Arrows, 6 Rows

(Published on 5. January 2022, 05:56 by jovi_al)

Decided to revisit an old puzzle of mine. Hope you enjoy!

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits in cells along arrows must sum to the digit in the attached circle.

Play on F-Puzzles.

Play on CtC Webapp.

Solution code: Row 1, followed by row 4.

Last changed on on 5. January 2022, 05:58

Solved by SSG, Playmaker6174, Elliott810, Ood, TotallyNormalCat, ymhsbmbesitwf, Grothenlace, Qodec, Fedo , Semikolon, antiknight, ___, djorr, Storm, SKORP17, tinounou, KNT, Siebuhh, Caterinas80, mutex, rmahus, ... Jeet Sampat, captein, le bonhomme, D-E-M-O-N, Snow the Jam Man, Piatato, PulverizingPancake, AvonD, DVFrank, valle1124, raretypeoffox, karen_birgitta, han233ing, NB_CN, Bobbobert, noodlehead
Full list


on 19. January 2022, 00:39 by Jeet Sampat
Very nice puzzle, with a surprising break-in!

on 5. January 2022, 12:54 by Qodec
I'm surprised the original puzzle could be improved on! Very enjoyable, too!

on 5. January 2022, 07:17 by Playmaker6174
That opening tho ;)

on 5. January 2022, 05:58 by jovi_al
Updated links to match rule change.

on 5. January 2022, 05:57 by jovi_al
Updated rules.

Rating:95 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:10 times

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