Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Embedded x-sums puzzle pack

(Published on 4. January 2022, 15:01 by Aspartagcus)

I set a sudoku of this variant back in 2020, but that one only allowed for one digit sums. Since then, I have been trying to find a nice 9x9 grid with double digit sums, and finally did so, and will release that puzzle shortly. But first, I'm posting this puzzle pack with some easier puzzles with the same constraint to let you get used to it. :)

- Standard or irregular sudoku rules apply. Fill each row, column and region with the digits 1-n, where n is the width of the grid.
- Embedded x-sums rules apply: The sum of the first x digits in the direction of an arrow, where x is the digit in the same cell as the arrow, sum to a single or double digit number directly behind the arrow. Double digits numbers are entered in two cells, read from left to right for arrows pointing horizontally and from top to bottom for arrows pointing vertically. All valid arrows are shown.

Here are a few examples:

And this is the puzzle:


Links to solve the puzzle online:

Solution code: Row 3 in all five puzzles in succession, from smallest to largest.

Last changed on on 5. January 2022, 20:06

Solved by Vebby, Siebuhh, Statistica, djorr, marcmees, panthchesh, udukos, Jesper, abed hawila, bernhard, Steven R, Playmaker6174, polar, effervescentblizzard
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on 16. February 2022, 00:26 by Playmaker6174
Fun pack with great uses of negative constraint! I really like the symmetry in some of the puzzles, and that 7x7 really made me sweat a lot :}

on 12. January 2022, 16:25 by abed hawila
Very nice!

on 7. January 2022, 18:07 by udukos
Very nice!

on 6. January 2022, 14:03 by panthchesh
Very fun thank you! :D

on 5. January 2022, 20:04 by Aspartagcus
Fixed the solution code...

on 4. January 2022, 20:05 by Aspartagcus
Fixed answer check in puzzle.

Last changed on 4. January 2022, 19:57

on 4. January 2022, 19:02 by Vebby
Very nice! Largest one was much trickier than the rest. Particularly enjoyed the symmetry in the 6x6 :)


Thanks! :)
Well, the 5x5 and 7x7 were symmetric as well. :) There is no symmetric grid for 3x3, and the 4x4 could be made symmetric, but it wouldn't be as interesting.
And yes, the 7x7 was the trickiest, there's a clear step up in difficulty for each puzzle. (Which means that the 9x9 will be even trickier!)

Rating:96 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:12 times

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