Broken 159 rules apply. In columns 1, any digit placed inside a shaded cell dictated where 1 goes in that respective row. Same goes with column 5 with 5s in the row and column 9 with 9s in its row. All possible red cells are given.
Normal Between Lines rules apply. All digits on the line must fall between the digits in their respective circles.
Normal Lockout Lines rules apply. All digits on the line must be outside the digits in their respective diamonds.
All digits seperated by a white kropki dot are consecutive.
Digits with a black dot between them have a ratio of 2 to 1. Not all black dots are given
Solution code: Row 3 column 9 18 digits no spaces
on 1. May 2022, 19:37 by nyxie
Do digits in the lockout line diamonds need to be at least 4 apart? I’ve seen that in all the other lockout puzzles I’ve done, but it’s not explicitly stated in this rule set.