Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Doppelte Country Roads

(Published on 5. January 2022, 08:00 by CJK)

In December 2021 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on mathebau.rocks, containing variants of standard puzzles. These puzzles are now uploaded to the puzzle portal.

03. Dezember - Country Road

Rules: Draw a closed loop into the diagram that doesn't intersect or overlap itself. The loop should go through every region exactly twice. Unvisited cells of different regions cannot be neighboured (orthogonally). Numbers indicate the number of visited cells in that region.

Link for online solving

Solution code: The number of unvisited cells per row

Last changed on on 5. March 2024, 15:13

Solved by ffricke, Rollo, Mark Sweep, Dandelo, Lizzy01, kublai, AnnaTh, SudokuExplorer, moss, MagnusJosefsson, CHalb, saskia-daniela, Myxo, Uhu, jessica6, Zzzyxas, r45, ildiko, cornuto, ropeko, sloffie, Jesper, Nothere, PixelPlucker, misko, jirk, Krokant, skywalker, Lara Croft, zorant, Alex, data, Joe Average, SilBer, Luigi, zuzanina, tuace, Nylimb, EKBM, akamchinjir, uvo, TheZwierz
Full list


on 5. March 2024, 15:13 by CJK
Online-Link aktualisiert

on 5. January 2022, 17:48 by SudokuExplorer
Lovely, thanks! :-)

on 5. January 2022, 13:14 by CJK
@Mark Sweep:
Ups, my bad, thanks for the notice :)

on 5. January 2022, 13:13 by CJK
Changed english solution code

on 5. January 2022, 13:12 by Mark Sweep
Nice and smooth puzzle. For the English version, the solution code should be unvisited cells, rather than visited cells.

Rating:96 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:7 times

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