In December 2021 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on, containing variants of standard puzzles. These puzzles are now uploaded to the puzzle portal.
Regeln: Put a black or white circle in every cell, such that all black circles as well as all white circles are (orthogonally) connected and there is no black or white 2x2 area.
The gird is here an torus, i.e.: If you leave it on the right, you come back into it on the left in the same row, and if you leave the grid at the bottom, you come back from above. Also, 2x2 areas of the same color cannot appear in the transition area (e.g. in the leftmost and rightmost column)
Solution code: Row 2 and column 9: S for black and w for white
on 5. March 2024, 15:02 by CJK
Online-Link aktualisiert
on 4. May 2022, 17:00 by SilBer
Achso, und das Rätsel ist wirklich ein Kunstwerk. :)
on 4. May 2022, 16:57 by SilBer
Unter der Annahme, dass es ein Masyu auf dem Torus ist, ergibt sich auch ein schöner Lösungsweg, allerdings geht es am Ende nicht auf. ;)
on 3. January 2022, 18:51 by Dotty
Really easy