Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bust Sudoku

(Published on 20. January 2022, 20:52 by Realshaggy)

Tomorrow the WPF Sudoku GP 2022 begins with a round by japanese authors: WPF GP Website

Good luck to all participants! Here is a training puzzle. More puzzles of this type in the portal: Richards SVS #209
Blackjack Sudoku by bigger/Old Miles

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each digit occurs exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 box. A number (X) outside the grid is the minimum possible value for which the sum of the first X digits in the corresponding direction is greater than 21.



Penpa+ (with answer check)

Solution code: Row 7, row 9.

Last changed on on 21. January 2022, 13:56

Solved by CJK, bstuke, karen_birgitta, Jesper, mandourin, marcmees, Para, henrypijames, moeve, JonaS2010, tenaliraman, achim-t, tinounou, SirWoezel, Cane_Puzzles, zlotnleo, zuzanina, Uhu, lfm, peterkp, ... MalkoMann2, DomL, patinthehat48, Beedersen, Annunakki, Cublaus, Julianl, abed hawila, geronimo92, PixelPlucker, ildiko, ManuH, Crul, cdwg2000, Vebby, Steven R, OGRussHood, ffricke, apwelho, qw014052
Full list


on 22. January 2022, 17:04 by Playmaker6174
Very cool and fun puzzle with some tight logics in it :)

on 21. January 2022, 17:58 by zuzanina
Sehr schön! Vielen Dank für die Trainingseinheit! :-)

on 21. January 2022, 17:58 by zuzanina
Sehr schön! Vielen Dank für die Trainingseinheit! :-)

Rating:97 %
Solved:53 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Even/Odd coded puzzle

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