Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Silent Night

(Published on 26. December 2021, 05:55 by troptot)

Normal sudoku rules apply
Digits along the thermometer increase starting at the bulb
Digits on either side of a white dot are consecutive
Digits on either side of a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio
Adjacent digits along green German Whisper lines have a difference of at least 5


Solution code: Column 9 of the finished grid.

Last changed on -

Solved by Greg, Gullie, ascended, Bankey, jimblek, SKORP17, Raistlen, PinkNickels, butch02, vmirandaa, AN_not_IO, mathpesto, gbrljt, Crul, ryagami, Florian Wortmann, Guillem98, brandon_bot, rhodri, Konzert, ... fca.felix.sudoku, chain.reader, Nairi, VeTaurus, josemadre, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, dingledork, asii, MoHaMeD05, ArnulfKoch, Montikulum, sandmoppe, Findict, pepe74287, forsen, arteful, snuuba
Full list


on 28. December 2021, 17:52 by Thylin
Loved it! Thank you!

on 27. December 2021, 03:14 by rhodri

on 26. December 2021, 23:41 by Florian Wortmann
Very smooth solve and so much fun :-)

on 26. December 2021, 18:09 by gbrljt
Brilliantly set puzzle with some neat tricks up its sleeve. Merry Christmas!

on 26. December 2021, 16:15 by PinkNickels
Great puzzle. Merry Christmas!

on 26. December 2021, 11:21 by Bankey
Great fun, thanks @troptot :-)

Merry Christmas, everyone :)

on 26. December 2021, 07:10 by Gullie
Very nice; merry Christmas!

Rating:92 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:12 times

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