==== RULES ====
Irregular Sudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1-9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column and 9-cell region.
Killer cages : Digits in cages sum to the indicated value.
Kropki dots : Cells separated by a black dot contain digits at a ratio of 1:2. Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all dots are given.
Palindromes : Digits along a grey line must read as the same sequence from both ends of the line.
Thank you @PaperScissors and @XeonRisq for testing and feedback !
Solution code: Digits from Row 7 (left to right) and then Column 5 (top to bottom). 8 digits total, no space character.
on 21. December 2021, 16:47 by PrimeWeasel
Great puzzle!
@PrimeWeasel : thanks ! As always, much appreciated :).