Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

srelliK esreveR

(Published on 17. December 2021, 16:19 by kuraban)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Numbers outside the grid show the total of the X number of cells, starting the OPPOSITE side of the grid, where X is the first cell next to the clue.

Digits in a cage cannot repeat and must sum to the small clue in the top left corner of the cage.

Try Reverse Killers on your choice of:



Solution code: Column 2 and column 8, from top to bottom with no spaces.

Solved by matiasv5, SKORP17, Greg, ___, smtosh, BlackApolloX, terrible_casserole, sinty, DVFrank, Playmaker6174, marcmees, Iluvsodah, rayn, MalkoMann2, john9, jchan18, brandon_bot, Realshaggy, ManuH, ... cdwg2000, mns, fjam, jkuo7, SSG, Nylimb, farodin64, fserb, OGRussHood, ymhsbmbesitwf, grantmnz, dogfarts, michaal94, AceOfSpades, talldrinkofwater, zrbakhtiar, flaemmchen, Tacosian, misko, DiMono
Full list


on 26. September 2024, 17:37 by DiMono
This puzzle is significantly easier when you don't count the 33 clue's outies from the wrong side five attempts in a row :D

Rating:89 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:7 times

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