Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cryptic Crossword Shröd-oku

(Published on 19. December 2021, 17:38 by Ryx)

This Cryptic Crossword Shröd-oku is a three part puzzle. It was inspired by (Cracking the Cryptic) Simon's prolific use of the phrase "Schrödinger cell", when solving various puzzles. For instance, he might say, "Well, for that to work, this cell would have to simultaneously be a 2 and a 3 ... and it can't be, unless it is a Schrödinger cell. And it is not a Schrödinger cell, since you can't have Schrödinger cells in a Sudoku". Well, I say, now you can ;-)

Part 1 (Cryptic Crossword):

Solve the Cryptic Crossword above to identify the seven words needed to proceed.

note: As cryptic crosswords are very language-oriented, I realize that non-English speakers most likely will not be able to complete this part. Actually, many English speakers will probably not be able to solve it either. Truth be told, if I didn't create it, I would not be able to solve it. Not to worry though, if you get stuck or just want the answers, you can click: Reveal (in the upper right, on the puzzle page) and show the answer to: a letter, a word or the whole puzzle.

note: this was my first attempt at a Cryptic Crossword and after setting, found out that is not a good one, because it has to many "unches" (unchecked or uncrossed words). Like a typical crossword puzzle, cryptic crosswords especially need the crossing, to help you solve words you may be stuck on. So,rather than throw it out, I have also created a secondary puzzle (in the same format as 7littlewords.com) that you can use instead or as an aid to solve for the words.

Part 2 (Shrödinger cells) Take the words from Part 1 and translate them to numbers, using the following table:

A H J Q S Z 18
B G K P T Y 27
C F L O U X 36
D E M N V W 45
I R 9

For instance, the word "SUDOKU" would translate to: 18 36 45 36 27 36

For those interested, the table is just the alphabet using mod 9, forwards and backwards, so (except I and R) all letters have two potential numbers:

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
Z   Y   X   W   V   U   T   S   R   Q   P   O   N   M   L   K   J   I   H   G   F   E   D   C   B   A
So, the letter "S" for example, becomes a "Schrödinger cell" because it is either a 1 or 8. Or if you prefer the other way around, both a 1 and/or 8 can be an "S" (among other letters).

Part 3 (Sudoku)
  1. Normal Sudoku rules apply
  2. Place each nine letter word (translated as numbers pairs or 9) in the grid, starting at a circled cell and (one of the following):
    a) moving left to right
    b) moving top to bottom
    c) following the line to the arrow, repeating the last number(s) in both ending cells (r4c5 and r5c4 are the same).
  3. Little Killer clues - numbers outside the grid are the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat.
Click the link to play on f-puzzles.com

Thanks to folks on the CTC Discord server #word-puzzle-discussion for all the help with the Cryptic Crossword clues.

Solution code: Digits from row 5 followed by column 5 (18 digits no spaces)

Solved by sinty, Mark Sweep, jessica6, starwarigami, CHalb, CJK, Al Fresco
Full list


Last changed on 5. December 2022, 20:46

on 5. December 2022, 19:00 by Al Fresco
Interesting puzzle. 6 across is a brilliant clue :)

@ Al Fresco - I am glad you enjoyed it. And yes, that clue was one that took a while to work out. I forget who in the Crytpic Crossword community helped me with that one.

on 8. January 2022, 17:23 by Ryx
The numbers (1-7) in the Cryptic Crossword and in the alternate grid/word solution have no correlation.

Die Zahlen (1-7) im kryptischen Kreuzworträtsel und in der alternativen Gitter-/Wortlösung stehen in keinem Zusammenhang.

Solved:7 times
Observed:5 times

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