Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Quick Sums

(Published on 4. December 2021, 01:19 by nickp10)

  • Standard sudoku rules apply: each row, column and box contain the digits 1-9.
  • Cells separated by a black dot are in the ratio 2:1. Not all black dots are given.
  • The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell.
  • The number in the upper left corner of a cage is the sum of the digits within that cage. Digits cannot repeat within a cage.

Solution code: Row 6 + Column 6

Last changed on on 4. December 2021, 01:21

Solved by Expansus, ryagami, rayn, cfop, jalebc, Cane_Puzzles, zeecomoon, tenaliraman, idanz, Marcos, gige, 333sudoku333, Greg, SKORP17, RickHoffman, john9, KNT, DeckersYay, achim-t, Myrddraal, severinus, ... Meghan29, Deepus, dodomos, rav, lutzreimer, NineK, zrbakhtiar, MrMole235, Carolin, pepe74287, NIGHTCRAULER, fishlovescat, Lovejoy , Schesam, dragoond, Rearden, Montikulum, augsod, Toren, jgarber
Full list


on 30. December 2021, 01:34 by ERClawson
Great Sudoku with some great logic. Not too stressful at all but still enjoyable to solve!

on 8. December 2021, 01:08 by baku
Really enjoyable solving path! Thanks for sharing!

on 6. December 2021, 09:54 by KyleBaran
My favorite kind of puzzle - I had to think, but I didn't have to think too hard

on 4. December 2021, 01:21 by nickp10
Fix description

Rating:90 %
Solved:125 times
Observed:10 times

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