Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Don't Go To Eleven

(Published on 8. December 2021, 04:48 by Scruffamudda)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Every horizontal or vertical line of connected digits which sums to 11 is marked with a cage.

No other horizontal or vertical lines of connected digits sum to 11 (including across cage boundaries).

Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2. Not all dots are given.

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Solution code: column 9

Solved by kolot, zorant, Matti64, kkli, butch02, absolutebeginner, Julianl, H1324851344, tenaliraman, Johannes Quack, PinkNickels, SKORP17, ManuH, djorr, Expansus, marcmees, ___, Mad-Tyas, john9, DamnedLight, ... katy.lanka, Jdt112, pepe74287, karen_birgitta, Mr.CHEN, 333sudoku333, flaemmchen, Just me, Mikemerin, apwelho, P12345, diziet, fca.felix.sudoku, scushuaishuai, Yawnus, zrbakhtiar, mezkur7
Full list


on 10. December 2021, 16:19 by elpadrinoIV
Awesome puzzle!

I would never had imagined that the negative constraint would be so powerful!

Thank you very much!

on 9. December 2021, 20:44 by Bankey
Fun puzzle ! Thanks, Scruffamudda :-)

on 9. December 2021, 12:59 by Enkerro
Very nice puzzle! The negative constraint on the 11 was at the same time very fun to use, but also hard to scan. Thank you!

on 9. December 2021, 02:47 by 10feet
Very nicely done! I've thought about doing a negative cage constraint, but wasn't able to get it to come together. This demonstrates the rule set well and makes me want to try again.

on 9. December 2021, 01:35 by baku
I must admit that the negative on the eleven took me some time to sink in. But once it did was a fun and smooth ride! Thanks for the puzzle

on 8. December 2021, 23:22 by Piatato
Nice idea, and a fun puzzle!

Rating:93 %
Solved:108 times
Observed:13 times

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