Normal sudoku rules apply.
Every horizontal or vertical line of connected digits which sums to 8 is marked with a cage.
No other horizontal or vertical lines of connected digits sum to 8 (including across cage boundaries).
Solution code: column 9
on 2. September 2024, 21:56 by phs
Great new idea & a fun puzzle. I was expecting that the negative constraint could also be used for ruling out a length-3 connected block but only length-2 had to be considered. Maybe a future composition will show new effects with this ruleset?! Thanks for sharing.
on 9. March 2024, 08:14 by Aersys
This is the kind of puzzle I like, simple rules, however its innovative
on 10. September 2023, 07:45 by cascadeshiker
Very nice! I particularly enjoyed the negative constraints (which I kept missing!)
on 15. January 2023, 18:23 by theaaronbomb
That was fun! thanks for making this!
on 3. December 2022, 22:10 by robbaker292
Lovely negative constraint
on 1. January 2022, 18:04 by DomL
A fantastic use of a negative constraint.
on 8. December 2021, 15:41 by rhodri
Loved doing this!
on 4. December 2021, 18:30 by TheRiddler
That was fun :-)
on 4. December 2021, 10:52 by DogSavalas
I loved every bit of this. Cleaning up the bottom row felt so satisfying.
on 3. December 2021, 19:23 by WiscKey16
Great puzzle! The negative constraint made this very enjoyable.
on 3. December 2021, 19:09 by Mojo872
Excellent - beautiful use of the negative constraint!
on 3. December 2021, 10:43 by Chelo
You are a genius, very very nice these constraints!.. I've had a lot of fun in cracking it ..
on 3. December 2021, 08:54 by gbrljt
Lovely constraint idea resulting in a brilliant solution path! Highly recommend!!
on 3. December 2021, 05:57 by Mad-Tyas
Nice puzzle!