Normal sudoku rules apply. There are 2 different-shaped clone regions. Digits that appear in one part of a clone must appear in exactly the same position in the other part. Digits along arrows sum to the number in the oval, and may repeat if the other rules allow. The left digit in an oval is the tens digit of the sum; the right is the ones digit. For example, 7 8 is seventy eight. Digits in a cage must sum to the little number in the upper left, and may not repeat in the cage. For clarity, there is a 2-cell 6-cage in R3C7, R3C8. As always, comments welcome!
Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.
on 9. March 2022, 22:26 by haligonian
Don't mind me, I'm just working through your entire catalog of puzzles lol. Another great one!
** @haligonian -- I'm so glad to have you as a fan! :-)
on 14. January 2022, 22:28 by Hozenrider
I guess i am having a feel good day for your puzzles, really enjoy them. At a point was overwhelmd with what to do but i managed it
** Yes - I do appreciate your kind support!
on 7. January 2022, 15:22 by Shearing
At one point I thought this was broken, until I found out I missed one of the clones :P Awesome puzzle, thank you!
** Great job - way to stick with it. :-)
on 25. November 2021, 16:41 by PDN777
Thanks to the three of you for your lovely comments! I hope you enjoy solving half as much as I enjoy setting! Have a great day!
on 24. November 2021, 00:14 by Robewick
nice puzzle
on 23. November 2021, 19:13 by Baklin
Very nice puzzle. I'm relatively new to this and the logic helped me figure things out in the end.
on 23. November 2021, 03:32 by AaronS
I actually broke into this one! :) Felt like I followed the intended logic exactly for the first few digits. Nice!