Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Vault

(Published on 22. November 2021, 02:20 by Xenonetix)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Digits along thermometers increase from the bulb end, and the highlighted cell indicates thermometer tips.
- Digits in pink Vault cages may repeat, and sum to the indicated corner clue. Digits orthogonally adjacent to a Vault may not be included within that Vault.


Cracking The Cryptic

Special thanks to Qinlux for this constraint! 😄 Any feedback and comments welcome!

Solution code:

Column 1 (top to bottom) & Row 9 (left to right) (18 digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by virtual, the_cogito, ClashCode, PulverizingPancake, Expansus, Steven R, grkles, tenaliraman, SKORP17, amfine, cegie, Storm, abed hawila, KNT, wjdrumm, MalkoMann2, achim-t, dmacho24, KyleBaran, flo_310, glum_hippo, skywalker, zorant, jkuo7, zetamath, OGRussHood, asver, lovely, cdwg2000, Crul, yynb2022, Vebby, h5663454, apwelho, Uhu, Felis_Timon, Julianl, Just me
Full list


on 6. January 2022, 02:48 by glum_hippo
I had a great time with this puzzle, but it did require me to be wide awake.

on 24. November 2021, 04:15 by KyleBaran
The construction was fine, but I don't know if the vault constraint really clicked for me. I'll have to do more puzzles to see.

on 22. November 2021, 02:47 by ClashCode
Really enjoyed it! :)

on 22. November 2021, 02:41 by the_cogito
Very nice puzzle, well done!

on 22. November 2021, 02:41 by virtual
Love to see more Vault puzzles! The modification of allowing digits to repeat in cages tripped me up a few times, so take note of that when solving!

Rating:94 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:8 times

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