Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Reverse Sums

(Published on 15. November 2021, 18:15 by kuraban)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Numbers outside the grid show the total of the X number of cells, starting the OPPOSITE side of the grid, where X is the first cell next to the clue. This puzzle is a variant of the X-Sums variant puzzle type.

Here's an example, showing how a 3, 5 or 8 might look as a Reverse Sum.

You can reverse your sums on f-puzzles.

Or, if you'd prefer, on the CTC App.

Solution code: Column 5 from top to bottom, followed by row 6 from left to right, with no spaces.

Solved by SKORP17, Isa, davidjshort, Crul, alihanz, kublai, Uhu, belfieldtj, OhHeyGuysItsMax, zeecomoon, ocular, manushand, jchan18, irgendwelcherJan, brandon_bot, cdwg2000, saskia-daniela, terrible_casserole, ... misko, michaal94, Beanie, Just me, dodomos, Carolin, mattnburris, AceOfSpades, ArnulfKoch, josemadre, talldrinkofwater, flaemmchen, zrbakhtiar, NeroChaos, diziet, teuthida, marsigel, Bobbobert
Full list


on 22. March 2023, 12:28 by ArnulfKoch
I finally solved it. Thank you for your help. In my head i mixed up the reverse-x-sums-rule with the regular x-sums-rule and made some mistakes.

on 25. September 2022, 11:53 by Playmaker6174
A fresh and fun solve :)

on 16. January 2022, 12:46 by Hecspeed
A refreshing, engaging and sometimes mind twisting puzzle. Absolute joy to solve it :)

on 11. January 2022, 18:17 by Richard
Very interesting take on the usual ruleset! Thx!

on 15. November 2021, 20:10 by Crul
I like the simple twist on the X-Sum. It's fun to discover the differences with the usual rule while the feeling of still being in familiar territory.


Rating:96 %
Solved:105 times
Observed:13 times

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