Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Superfuzzy Arrows

(Published on 14. November 2021, 15:30 by Realshaggy)

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each digit occurs exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 box. Draw a circle in one of the cells of each line. The digit in the circle gives the sum of the digits towards each of the remaining ends of the line.


Solution code: Row 9, column 5

Solved by Qodec, geronimo92, glum_hippo, Para, butch02, fjam, cfop, kolot, Ragna, zuzanina, Piatato, Nothere, SirWoezel, marcmees, achim-t, abed hawila, ___, Jesper, bigger, henrypijames, MagnusJosefsson, ... jimmy_bob, NeroChaos, teuthida, codewizard, Vasefire, sorryimLate, WeezerFan, draftstyle, leandro, coolguy14, MagicTurtle322, asii, F53710, EnbyPanda, h5663454, sedici, pepe74287, Counterfeitly
Full list


on 12. April 2024, 05:10 by WeezerFan
Quite a neat puzzle with some fun logic, a little heavy on computation at parts, but that might be because of my lack of ability to see other steps to a solution.

on 22. November 2023, 18:52 by Playmaker6174
Surprising how all of them came together at the end like that, very fun and satisfying solve! :)

on 12. August 2022, 18:21 by Vebby
Beautiful logic!

on 16. November 2021, 16:51 by Mody
Das war klasse

on 16. November 2021, 08:47 by Phistomefel
Sehr schönes Rätsel! Vielen Dank dafür, Christoph!

on 16. November 2021, 05:45 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 16. November 2021, 04:36 by taylorsc
Great puzzle! I was surprised by how smooth of a solve it was given how little information is given on first glance.

on 15. November 2021, 12:33 by abed hawila
Wonderful puzzle! thank you!

on 15. November 2021, 09:55 by marcmees
nice. thanks.

on 15. November 2021, 02:39 by Piatato
Very smooth and fun to solve! Thanks for making this!

on 14. November 2021, 18:05 by Ragna
Toll! Das hat viel Spaß gemacht! :-))

on 14. November 2021, 17:43 by kolot
Interesting idea and very nice execution with a pure grid!

on 14. November 2021, 16:45 by glum_hippo
Hat Spaß gemacht! Vielen Dank für das hübsche Rätsel.

on 14. November 2021, 16:33 by Qodec
Super clean and fun puzzle! Thank you very much!

Rating:98 %
Solved:109 times
Observed:11 times

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