Normal sudoku rules apply. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Neighboring digits marked with a black Kropki dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Not all dots are given. 159 rules apply: Each digit in column 1 indicates the position of 1 in its row (that is, if R3C1 is a 6, R3C6 is a 1). The same is true in columns 5 and 9 of the digits 5 and 9, respectively. As always, comments welcome!
Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.
on 28. February 2023, 00:29 by anyeyeball
Very nice, fun puzzle. I love indexing constraints. Thank you for this puzzle!
on 18. February 2023, 02:17 by RussKozerski
Fun, elegant, beautiful break-in. A joy to work through. Thank you.
on 7. January 2023, 17:49 by puzzlepandit
I like the way the middle row is deigned. Good puzzle.
** Thanks!
on 12. November 2022, 22:18 by NeroQ
I love it. I am not experienced solver, but so far one of the best i had
** Thanks so much for the feedback and solve!
on 13. August 2022, 19:57 by PepperWood
Fun solve! Thanks for putting this together!
** No problem, and thanks for the solve! :-)
on 11. April 2022, 20:42 by highball
That was fun.
** I'm glad you liked it! :-)
on 24. January 2022, 22:30 by FlowStar
Tolles Rätsel. Ich bin dann nur 2x an der Lösungscode-Eingabe gescheitert;). Wer genau liest ist hier deutlich im Vorteil.
LOL. Ich dachte ich wäre der einzige mit diesem Problem! :-)
on 2. December 2021, 13:39 by RottenNarayah
For me as a novice solver, it was hard to wrap my head around the logic as first, but when I figured it out, I was literally giggling while solving this one. Such a good puzzle.
Reply from PDN: Super! I think this is the first (reported) giggle I have inspired. Thanks! :-)
on 30. November 2021, 11:54 by abecede
Hat wirklich Spaß gemacht! Ich mag ja die leichten Rätsel am liebsten, da ich mir üblicherweise nicht viel Zeit am Stück für ein Rätsel reservieren möchte.
Hat sich während der gesamten Zeit wie ein schön gebautes "Genuinely Accessible Sudoku" angefühlt - vielen Dank dafür!
** Sehr gut! Ich mag es, Simon und anderen beim Lösen der schwierigen Rätsel zuzusehen, aber für mich sind ein oder zwei Sterne am besten! :-) Dankeschön.
on 30. November 2021, 00:19 by Moses*
Tolles Puzzle, dass eine komplett andere Herangehensweise notwendig macht, die aber durch die Kropki-Punkte sehr gut erschlossen werden kann. Mein erstes 159er hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht!
Besten Dank an PDN
** Ja, das 159-Format dehnt den Geist wirklich aus! Besten Dank.
on 18. November 2021, 18:50 by Arkhchance
Really fun puzzle !
Thank you :)
** Thanks for the solve!
on 14. November 2021, 09:49 by gbrljt
Such a lovely set puzzle with very neat deductions throughout. Highly recommend this one!!
Reply from PDN: Thanks so much. Feels very good to read this. :-)
on 13. November 2021, 23:44 by elpadrinoIV
Very nice puzzle! Thanks!!!
I would give 2 stars instead of just 1.
Reply from PDN: Thank you! I actually rated it 2 stars, but the majority of solvers voted it to 1 star. :-)
on 13. November 2021, 19:42 by Multiarray
First 159 Sudoku that i have solved. I liked this one very much.
Reply from PDN: Super. Apparently this form is popular among computer programmers...
on 13. November 2021, 18:06 by Rollo
Ich hab ganz viele Leerzeichen eingegeben ;-).
** Entschuldigung, aber Google Translate war nicht klar. Können Sie es anders sagen?
You can leave out this phrase, spaces are ignored. Nice puzzle anyway :-).
** Besten Dank. :-)
on 13. November 2021, 16:21 by asiagiorgi
I've never done one 159 before and this with the kropki part helped me a lot, and was very fun too! thanks!
Reply from PDN: I am glad you had fun! TY!
on 13. November 2021, 15:56 by cmb
Nice easy puzzle with a good flow.
Thank you.
Reply from PDN: Thanks for the solve!