Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Renban vs Whispers

(Published on 6. November 2021, 16:15 by Crusader175)


-Normal Sudoku rules apply.

-Neighboring digits on a green line have a difference of at least 5.

-Digits on a purple line form a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.

-Digits in circles within the grid must appear at least once somewhere in the four cells adjacent to the circle.

-Digits in cages sum to the given total.



Solve Video:


Cracking The Cryptic (Simon)

Solution code: Column 1 followed by Column 9 (no spaces)

Example: 123456789987654321

Last changed on on 19. December 2021, 01:54

Solved by SKORP17, cfop, CastleSheepside, gtkrouwel, Magnive, weiken, Darkgrumly, Bremster, elpadrinoIV, BlackApolloX, Ambrose, djorr, brandon_bot, SirWoezel, skywalker, Crul, LKegel, koba1917, zuzanina, ... cdwg2000, OGRussHood, pepe74287, poundcayx, fuxia, 999ARMEN999, saskia-daniela, ScienceNerd2240, ArnulfKoch, PinkNickels, karen_birgitta, mezkur7, Kigor, forsen, strangelyinsane, jordanza, jadezki
Full list


Last changed on 27. October 2022, 23:26

on 25. October 2022, 15:10 by cdwg2000
Very nice german Whisper and Renban interact well。

Reply: Thank you very much!

on 21. December 2021, 11:29 by AppleSaws
Took me a bit to grasp the german whispers logic, but the solve ended up being quite intuitive when I was able to grasp what exactly was expected of me. Excellent puzzle.

on 19. December 2021, 01:54 by Crusader175
Add link to solve video from BremSter & Cracking The Cryptic (Simon)

on 13. November 2021, 13:51 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 8. November 2021, 07:08 by esotericVideos
Loved it! Great, elegant puzzle.

on 7. November 2021, 20:52 by TheRiddler
Very nice puzzle! The interaction between the different constraints is very entertaining!

on 7. November 2021, 06:34 by Crusader175
Thank you very much everyone for trying out my puzzle and your kind feedback! :)

on 7. November 2021, 03:03 by djorr
Fantastic symmetry and phenomenal setting! Thank you!

on 6. November 2021, 22:03 by elpadrinoIV
The symmetry!

Very nice puzzle, thanks!

on 6. November 2021, 21:27 by Bremster
I really enjoyed this puzzle. When I saw it I risked a solve video for it and I have no regrets. For those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-MQ7LMzj-I

Rating:95 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:13 times

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