Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Times Square

(Published on 5. November 2021, 16:56 by grkles)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Sudoku X: Each marked main diagonal contains a single set of the digits 1-9 with no repeats.

Laser Skyscrapers: Consider each digit in the grid as a building of that height. Clues outside the grid represent lasers which enter the grid in a straight line along their respective row or column, and reflect at right angles when meeting one of the marked diagonals (without passing through). The number outside the grid indicates the number of buildings seen along the laser's line-of-sight, where taller buildings hide both shorter buildings and buildings of the same height.

Here is an example of a valid laser skyscraper clue.

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Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 9 (18 digits, no spaces).

Solved by fjam, Playmaker6174, thetearex15, baracartas, marcmees, abed hawila, Darkgrumly, ScatterBrain, cmb, SimiC, StefanSch, Isa, askel083, polar, pianobarry87, henrypijames, harrison, wenchang, ddurschlag, DamnedLight, virtual, Niverio, Droi, nervyplant, smartmagpie, Vebby, Ulistef, purpl, Chesare22, jkl, SuWi, tinounou, ManuH, Ultimatemeowmix, karen_birgitta, MicroStudy, apwelho
Full list


on 9. November 2021, 22:08 by virtual
Love the variation on Skyscraper sudoku! Bending the skyscraper vision path adds a layer of beautiful logic.

on 8. November 2021, 13:34 by ddurschlag
Fun puzzle with a new (to me) twist on an old mechanic. I enjoyed the double-duty pulled by the diagonals. The puzzle name was also more thematic than most, which was fun.

on 7. November 2021, 05:02 by polar
Very fun concept! Thank you!

on 6. November 2021, 11:40 by StefanSch
Eine sehr schöne Variante, bei der man öfter "um die Ecke denken" muss.

on 6. November 2021, 01:13 by abed hawila
Great puzzle!

on 5. November 2021, 17:07 by Playmaker6174
One heck of a ride, once you're really into it the puzzle becomes somewhat wonderful. Lovely construction there :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:6 times

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