Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mystery Prime Flower

(Published on 5. November 2021, 04:25 by leftovercube)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits may not repeat within cages. The contents of each cage must sum to a prime number. All cages must have different sums.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Column 7 top to bottom.

Solved by Mad-Tyas, henter, SirWoezel, J Bowzer, polar, kolot, Statistica, StefanSch, zorant
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on 13. November 2021, 13:33 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 10. November 2021, 13:18 by StefanSch
What a beautiful logic flower!

on 9. November 2021, 12:22 by Statistica
Top! Very nice and very mathematical (I like it!)

on 6. November 2021, 13:56 by kolot
Great idea! Great execution! Great job! Excellent puzzle!

on 5. November 2021, 23:30 by polar
Absolutely stunning puzzle! Not too difficult and a complete joy to solve. Thank you for setting this :)

on 5. November 2021, 16:53 by SirWoezel
Wow, great puzzle!

on 5. November 2021, 13:22 by Mad-Tyas
Spectacular puzzle! Brilliant idea and fascinating execution. Thank you, leftovercube!

You might like my prime number based mystery killer I published a while ago (https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000795).

Solved:9 times
Observed:7 times

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