Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Football Practice

(Published on 4. November 2021, 00:59 by Bremster)

This was a puzzle created as part of my "Contemplating Constraints" series. Designed to be a puzzle to introduce someone familiar with sudoku to some of the basic logic for constraints they may not have encountered before.

This was the hardest puzzle in the series; designed to introduce someone to Between Lines and Lockout Lines.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Grey lines are between lines. Digits on the lines must lie between the digits in the circles at the ends of the line.
  • Blue lines are lockout lines. Digits placed in diamonds must differ by 4 or more and the digits along the attached lines must be higher or lower than the digits in the diamonds.

Links to online solving tools

Solve Video

While this is not a hard puzzle I have done a video of the entire "Contemplating Constraints" series that includes this puzzle.
The link is the video that contains the puzzle, starting at the 1:12:00 point (for some reason links with timestamps on LMD have the timestamp trimmed).

Solve video on YouTube - jump to 1 hour 12 min
Note: the video is in English.

People who do not want any help should just ignore the video.

Solution code: Row 2

Solved by Steven R, jchan18, saskia-daniela, zer0keefie, AKpK17, godoffours, Nairi, Titonious, greatoscarrat, jalebc, Chilly, Knitabit, Storm, riffclown, SKORP17, tiabroch, Mad-Tyas, wjdrumm, dskaff, Omnicole, ... josemadre, chain.reader, morgannamodeaura, flaemmchen, cdwg2000, OGRussHood, chanelaw, zrbakhtiar, vmirandaa, 999ARMEN999, tess, zhergan, asii, Krisonium, MysticMan, humaLautema, ErwinR
Full list


on 11. November 2021, 15:47 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 4. November 2021, 13:57 by riffclown
I will echo Chilly's remarks.Very Nice interactions and it was also nice following this puzzle through it's iterations in testing..

on 4. November 2021, 11:18 by Chilly
Nice puzzle Bremster - enjoyed the LL and BL interactions :)

Rating:89 %
Solved:61 times
Observed:9 times

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