Rules: Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Digits along lines must be consecutive, but can appear in any order. Digits may not repeat on lines.
Digits seperated by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.
Link to solve in f-puzzles:
Solution code: row 1,column 1, no spaces
on 30. August 2022, 07:55 by wisty
This puzzle is full of nice deductions! The diagonal renbans really highlight how powerful eliminating just a few rows or columns for a certain candidate can be. At first I spent a little while looking too closely at individual numbers and less at certain sets of them, but it always felt fun and rewarding. The steps involving the 7-length renban seemed a bit more telegraphed than the 9-length one. Awesome puzzle!
on 18. August 2022, 22:44 by thetearex15
Changed name of puzzle
on 11. November 2021, 15:31 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 3. November 2021, 03:48 by zegres
Very nice puzzle. Good level 3. None of the logical steps is too hard, but there are many and they are fun!