Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Websuki (1)

(Published on 2. November 2021, 18:35 by jogerth)


This is my first puzzle published. The puzzle is something that I created and was inspired by my favorite puzzle, Ken Ken (or Calcdoku). As far as I know, this is a unique puzzle design. If well received, I will upload more puzzles with a higher degree of difficulty. I have designed three difficulty levels; Easy, Medium and Hard. The puzzle below is of the Easy variety. Also, I have named the puzzle, “Websuki.” I am open to suggestions for a different name. Please comment with your ideas!


Fill in the 3x3 “Integer Block” with digits 1 to 9. There are 8 “Arithmetic Blocks” on the outside. Each arithmetic block has a number, an operator, and 1 or more lines leading to the integer sub-blocks. The integer sub-blocks must satisfy the “Arithmetic Block” if connected by line. Below is an Example of an Easy Puzzle along with the puzzle to solve. Also shown below are templates for the Medium and Hard variety.

Solution code: Row 1, then Row 2, the Row 3.

Last changed on on 8. November 2021, 14:33

Solved by SKORP17, Dandelo, skywalker, moss, marcmees, 33554432, barer, saskia-daniela, CHalb, zorant, Mark Sweep, Luigi, godoffours, misko, Raistlen, CJK, moeve, adam001, marsigel, Pruz, peep50183, sandmoppe, ... NumaPompilius, Jowser, Zedarflight , Feren, FireRide, LinusS, Kachow, Supertaster, borbolda, Thwip_Snikt, TheHiveMind, NEWS, eriktenasbroek, risflo, Uattanscethe09, Kiwo, bereolosp, Laxeous, toboed
Full list


on 6. September 2024, 16:43 by permafrostyx

on 19. January 2022, 15:08 by Care99
What is the correct way to place a number in the center of the second row? It is not connected to any arithmetic block

on 6. December 2021, 14:45 by Dotty
None interest for this one, so much numbers given, but puzzle 2 which is really good.

on 11. November 2021, 15:15 by uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.

on 8. November 2021, 14:33 by jogerth
Changed Title - Added (1)

Last changed on 8. November 2021, 09:31

on 5. November 2021, 12:10 by Dugong
First of all: Thank you for your contribution and good job =)

I feel like it is leaning rather far onto the easy side (e.g. delivering a third of the puzzle as a starter), so i'm eager to see the more difficult versions to come.

Proposed German rules:
"Füllen sie die Zahlen 1 bis 9 in den Zahlenblock in der Mitte. Keine Zahl darf dabei wiederholt werden. Um den Lösungsbereich sind 8 "Arithmetikblocks" gegeben. Diese Blocks bestehen jeweils aus einer Zahl, einem Arithmetiksymbol und mindestens einer Verbindungslinie. Die mit dem Arithmetikblock verbundenen Zellen müssen als Operanden jeweils die gezeigte Lösung ergeben.
Unten gegeben ist ein ausgefülltes Beispiel sowie Ideen für schwierigere Formate dieses Rätseltyps."

I hope you can use this - i'm a swiss german native speaker, but i don't have a lot of experience in writing rules. But if i see it in use, i'll write it for the medium puzzle as well.

Last changed on 3. November 2021, 17:19

on 3. November 2021, 15:33 by ManuH
Ich verstehe im ersten Beispiel nicht, wie die 1 + oben zustande kommt. Zwei Linien zeigen auf die 2. Müsste dann nicht die Rechnung 2+2 sein??

jogerth: It is a division symbol. 2/2=1. Sorry about the picture quality.

on 2. November 2021, 20:24 by jogerth
Changed Image for more clarity

Last changed on 2. November 2021, 19:37

on 2. November 2021, 19:36 by Dandelo
You could create two images, one with the puzzle and one with the examples. The 1000-pixel-limit otherwise forces the examples to be unreadable.

on 2. November 2021, 18:47 by SKORP17
nett, aber die Beispiele sind kaum zu erkennen

Rating:64 %
Solved:622 times
Observed:3 times

Arithmetic puzzle

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