Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mirror Maze

(Published on 2. November 2021, 13:15 by krangune)

Mirror Maze


1. Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

2. On arrows the digits on the stem sum to the digit in it's circle.

3. A digit may not appear adjacent to itself (anti-king).

4. Paths must be drawn from every entry clue (at the top and left of the grid) to the corresponding exit clue (at the bottom or right of the grid). Paths start along the row/column of the entry clue and may only travel rightwards or downwards. Paths must change direction if they enter a cell with the opposite parity (odd vs even) to the previous one and continue straight otherwise.

5. The greater than sign shows which digit is bigger.

An example of how the Rule 4. clues work with red odd and blue even

Solve puzzle, image of puzzle below:

Hope you enjoy!

Solution code: The digits at the exit clues ABCDWXYZ with no spaces.

Solved by kublai, ymhsbmbesitwf, hibye1217
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on 11. November 2021, 15:10 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

Solved:3 times
Observed:7 times

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