I made this puzzle for my friend jovi_al's birthday! She likes friendly cells so I came up with this ruleset. The difficulty is probably around 4.5/5 stars.
-) Classic Sudoku rules apply. (place the digits 1-9 once each in every row/column/box)
-) Green cells are friendly cells (they contain their row/column/box number; e.g. r5c9 could be 5(row), 9(column) or 6(box)
-) There is EXACTLY 2 friendly cells in every row/column/box of the grid
Solution code: Column 2 + Column 6, no extra characters.
on 15. January 2023, 14:27 by Phistomefel
Wow, that puzzle was awesome. The break-in is fascinating and even after that there are a few things to uncover, but with a very nice flow. Thank you so much for building this beauty, JoWovrin!
on 14. July 2022, 14:59 by Agent
Very cool and innovative puzzle with a jaw-dropping break-in!
on 5. November 2021, 22:07 by uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.
on 5. November 2021, 20:21 by grkles
Wow, what a puzzle!
(reply) Thanks Grkles!
on 5. November 2021, 09:00 by Andrewsarchus
Very Lovely Logic!!!
(reply) Thank you!
on 5. November 2021, 06:11 by henrypijames
Very nice, but only 3 stars difficulty for me (and I made an erroneous assumption at the start, without which it would've been 2.5 stars).
(reply) Thank you!
on 4. November 2021, 17:28 by polar
Wonderfully clever puzzle! Flows very smoothly indeed after the initial logic :)
(reply) Thank you :D
on 3. November 2021, 22:11 by jovi_al
a very lovely birthday present! thank you very much for the fascinating puzzle, it was brilliant! :D
(reply) I'm very happy you liked it! Symmetrical just for you :)
on 1. November 2021, 22:10 by thoughtbyte
Wow, this was an incredible puzzle, thank you!
(reply) Thank you! :D
on 1. November 2021, 20:33 by Playmaker6174
It's really insane to see how restricted it could be, quite challenging continuous scannings but really rewarding. Wonderful puzzle! :)
(reply) Thank you!! Happy you enjoyed it :D
on 1. November 2021, 20:19 by Niverio
Fantastic puzzle! It is unbelievable that a unique solution exists to this wonderful grid! And some amazing logic too!
(reply) Thank you so much Niverio! I'm glad you enjoyed it!