Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. November 2021, 19:16 by JoWovrin)

I made this puzzle for my friend jovi_al's birthday! She likes friendly cells so I came up with this ruleset. The difficulty is probably around 4.5/5 stars.

-) Classic Sudoku rules apply. (place the digits 1-9 once each in every row/column/box)

-) Green cells are friendly cells (they contain their row/column/box number; e.g. r5c9 could be 5(row), 9(column) or 6(box)

-) There is EXACTLY 2 friendly cells in every row/column/box of the grid

Solve online: f-puzzles | CTC

Solution code: Column 2 + Column 6, no extra characters.

Solved by Niverio, Playmaker6174, kublai, thoughtbyte, ___, Dentones, Isa, jovi_al, PulverizingPancake, Hrafnsvaengr, polar, tinounou, henrypijames, Andrewsarchus, Jesper, grkles, killer, askel083, Mark Sweep, ... Uhu, Agent, Birdy 96, Sewerin, Phistomefel, Studernaldo, pandiani42, steperlich, Bobbobert, keaizhu, Jdt112, Lyun Licuss, cyddrdrd, Blake Saligia, Myxo, MicroStudy, xkbz0809, Paletron, SudokuHero
Full list


on 15. January 2023, 14:27 by Phistomefel
Wow, that puzzle was awesome. The break-in is fascinating and even after that there are a few things to uncover, but with a very nice flow. Thank you so much for building this beauty, JoWovrin!

on 14. July 2022, 14:59 by Agent
Very cool and innovative puzzle with a jaw-dropping break-in!

on 5. November 2021, 22:07 by uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.

Last changed on 5. November 2021, 23:59

on 5. November 2021, 20:21 by grkles
Wow, what a puzzle!

(reply) Thanks Grkles!

Last changed on 5. November 2021, 10:02

on 5. November 2021, 09:00 by Andrewsarchus
Very Lovely Logic!!!

(reply) Thank you!

Last changed on 5. November 2021, 11:45

on 5. November 2021, 06:11 by henrypijames
Very nice, but only 3 stars difficulty for me (and I made an erroneous assumption at the start, without which it would've been 2.5 stars).

(reply) Thank you!

Last changed on 4. November 2021, 20:00

on 4. November 2021, 17:28 by polar
Wonderfully clever puzzle! Flows very smoothly indeed after the initial logic :)

(reply) Thank you :D

Last changed on 3. November 2021, 22:28

on 3. November 2021, 22:11 by jovi_al
a very lovely birthday present! thank you very much for the fascinating puzzle, it was brilliant! :D

(reply) I'm very happy you liked it! Symmetrical just for you :)

Last changed on 1. November 2021, 22:15

on 1. November 2021, 22:10 by thoughtbyte
Wow, this was an incredible puzzle, thank you!

(reply) Thank you! :D

Last changed on 1. November 2021, 22:11

on 1. November 2021, 20:33 by Playmaker6174
It's really insane to see how restricted it could be, quite challenging continuous scannings but really rewarding. Wonderful puzzle! :)

(reply) Thank you!! Happy you enjoyed it :D

Last changed on 1. November 2021, 20:22

on 1. November 2021, 20:19 by Niverio
Fantastic puzzle! It is unbelievable that a unique solution exists to this wonderful grid! And some amazing logic too!

(reply) Thank you so much Niverio! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Rating:100 %
Solved:60 times
Observed:7 times

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