Solution code: Column 1 followed by column 9.
on 5. November 2021, 21:42 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 5. November 2021, 09:20 by CHalb_mod
Sudoku tag added
on 4. November 2021, 09:39 by Telope
Yes, updated the rules to say "3x3 box". Thanks!
on 3. November 2021, 18:49 by sf2l
by "box" do you mean "3x3 sector" or what?
on 31. October 2021, 23:28 by Nordy
Awesome puzzle! My dad brain kept making mistakes regarding the consecutive constraint on the snake, but then I took a deep breath, broke through, and was able to experience the true beauty of the puzzle. Thanks for this one!
on 31. October 2021, 18:52 by Telope
Corrected a typo in the solution code. Sorry, and thanks for pointing it out.
on 31. October 2021, 16:38 by OhHeyGuysItsMax
I think your solution code is wrong. Wonderful puzzle though.