Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

(Published on 28. October 2021, 17:37 by Telope)

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  • Normal Sudoku rules apply, but in this grid, three birds are trying to catch worms.
  • The birds (Vs) indicate that the two neighbouring cells sum to 5.
  • Draw three Worms (one-cell width lines), marked in pink, that do not touch themselves or each other (even diagonally).
  • Worms move orthogonally, are nine cells long, and contain the digits 1 to 9 in numerical order.
  • The three green circles show the sum of all worm cells in their box.
  • The three green lines read as two-digit numbers, (possibly back-to-front,) and show the sum of all worm cells in their box or boxes.
  • Green cells cannot be worm, except for the given pink worm cells.

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Solution code: The 9 digits from the top row.

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Solved by tlgeotau, kublai, baracartas, Steven R, Puffke, Nordy, starelev5, codewizard
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Last changed on 1. November 2021, 18:41

on 1. November 2021, 18:40 by Nordy
Another great puzzle! Solved this right after "Consecutive Snake" (which is great puzzle as well). I kept thinking there was a 2-cell thermometer in the grid... so that delayed my solve time a bit. I recommend not doing that.

The third bullet point is a little confusing. The way it's currently written suggests that the pink regions must belong to 3 different snakes. I might rewrite it like this: "Draw three Worms (one-cell width lines) that do not touch themselves or each other (even diagonally). Some worm cells have been shaded pink."

on 31. October 2021, 23:48 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

Solved:8 times
Observed:8 times

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