Kings in Disjoint
(Published on 28. October 2021, 00:27 by troptot)
Fill each row, column and box and marked diagonals with digits 1-9 with no repeats. Cells that see each other via a king's move in chess can't be identical. Digits in the same position relative to their box must be different.
solve it in f-puzzles
Solution code: Last two rows
Solved by SKORP17, AsilG, kkli, jalebc, TimurA, glum_hippo, zhergan, mlkj, karen_birgitta, cfop, zorant, rcg, Julianl, geronimo92, skywalker, morgannamodeaura, flaemmchen, finger
on 31. October 2021, 23:40 by uvo_mod
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