Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6 PM Reservation...

(Published on 25. October 2021, 18:15 by Sktx)

This puzzle was created as a brother puzzle to "...at Café Français", by XeonRisq. Do check it out !

F-puzzles - CtC app - Penpa+

==== RULES ====

Diagonal Sudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column, 3x3box and marked diagonal.

Normal thermometers : digits strictly increase along grey thermometers, from bulb to tip.

Normal white kropki dots : Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all possible dots are given.


Thanks to XeonRisq, ChristopherMoore and Luke Anglindoor for testing, and giving precious feedback !

Solution code: Digits from Row 8 (left to right) and then Column 4 (top to bottom). 18 digits in total, no space character.

Last changed on -

Solved by SKORP17, XeonRisq, jalebc, ___, Zombie Hunter, zhergan, pianobarry87, jguer, weiken, gbrljt, cfop, Florian Wortmann, flaemmchen, OhHeyGuysItsMax, TheRiddler, alpha_bet, PrimeWeasel, smckinley, polar, LadyRuatha, lerroyy, bolado, snoswal, karen_birgitta, Sewerin, apwelho, Procrat
Full list


on 31. October 2021, 22:36 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 29. October 2021, 17:10 by PrimeWeasel
Very enjoyable! More of a 3 star for me though!

on 29. October 2021, 14:55 by alpha_bet
What a journey that was! Congrats Sktx for this hard, brilliant and elegant puzzle :-)

on 27. October 2021, 00:23 by Florian Wortmann
Très bien!

Last changed on 26. October 2021, 16:01

on 26. October 2021, 15:07 by gbrljt
This is such a remarkable puzzle. Took me a little longer than 2 hours but it is simply magnificent.

@gbrljt : Wow, thanks a lot. I am really glad you enjoyed it so much, despite the difficulty. Your comment made my day :) !

Last changed on 25. October 2021, 19:26

on 25. October 2021, 19:20 by XeonRisq
D'après votre horloge sudoku, il est déjà six heures. Ne soyez pas en retard pour votre réservation !

@XeonRisq : *Damn, this Café Français is so picky and uptight, better not be late... I guess it's the french way to say "Welcome Sir" !*

Rating:91 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:8 times

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