Title: Call me again--maybe?
Type: Irregular Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ link to Call me again--maybe? Sudoku You may use Normal/Large/Medium/Small Blue, Green, or Red numbers in any combination.
Link: F-puzzles link to Call me again--maybe? Sudoku
Link: CtC App link to Call me again--maybe? Sudoku
Variants: Renban, Diagonal, X-Sums, Between Lines, Even/Odd, Oddruple, Anti-Knight, Sandwich, Lock Out Lines
Irregular Sudoku rules apply and the following--maybe!
There are extra constraints numbered 1 through 9. If the digit of a constraint appears in a blue cell all occurrences must all be true; otherwise, if its digit does not appear in a blue square NO occurrences can be true. The solver needs to determine if an outside clue is Sandwich or X-Sums.
No bifurcation or guessing is required.
0) Irregular Sudoku
1) Renban
2) Diagonal
3) X-Sums
4) Between Lines
5) Even/Odd
6) Oddruples
7) Anti-Knight
8) Sandwich
9) Lock Out Lines
Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits of Column 6 followed by Row 9
on 2. March 2024, 15:02 by QuiltyAsCharged
Wonderful puzzle! I guess "Here's my number--Call me maybe?" wasn't wild enough so you had to add irregular Sudoku to the mix. :) Great fun, thanks for sharing it.
on 5. January 2022, 14:37 by twobear
What a great puzzle! I can’t even imagine how one can set this up. Fantastic work!
I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for the solve!
on 31. October 2021, 22:32 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
on 28. October 2021, 08:55 by kaitoJD
Another great ambiguity puzzle!
I appreciate your kind words very much. ~ZH
on 26. October 2021, 03:13 by CastleSheepside
What a fun puzzle! Several exciting moments when particular rules are either proven or disproven.
I am super happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you for the kind words and the solve. ~ZH