Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cake or death?

(Published on 23. October 2021, 18:46 by vidarino)

Cake or death?

What kind of name is that, you ask? Well, it's a tribute to hilarious comedian Eddie Izzard. And cakes are round. And killers are deadly. So, yeah.

Standard Killer Sudoku rules:

  • Digits in a cage sums to the number in the corner.
  • Digits can not repeat within a cage.


f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yffclm7m

CTC app: https://bit.ly/3ojnin9

Solution code: Rows 2 and 8, no spaces:

Solved by SKORP17, Hunsudoku2019, Mad-Tyas, Wetuts, skywalker, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Marcos, ManuH, zhergan, legstretch, Ood, Realshaggy, jalebc, KNT, weiken, cfop, LeLoyJenkins, saskia-daniela, Swarley, chris21, ... geronimo92, DerMaddi, zorant, Crul, Raistlen, cdwg2000, PinkNickels, rcg, vmirandaa, SenileBanana, Count Knersis, chain.reader, Just me, Danekiller, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, fca.felix.sudoku
Full list


on 25. March 2023, 06:41 by Danekiller
I truely enjoyed it

on 29. October 2021, 21:38 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 26. October 2021, 04:08 by BHUNTER47
Nice break in (thanks to Simon for teaching me these tricks)

on 24. October 2021, 15:04 by ctshirk7
Cake please!

Rating:92 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:9 times

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