Solution code: Columns 1 and 9
on 8. December 2024, 13:14 by Jrosas
Great puzzle
on 3. December 2024, 10:12 by TheNineElements
For anybody who wants it, I made a sudokupad link with solution checking:
Time: 111:23
I rated this 5/5 difficulty.
This is a very nice puzzle, and is quite difficult.
Break in was probably a 4/5 difficulty, but the midgame was definitely 5/5 in my opinion.
I will say that figuring out how to color the puzzle effectively during the first half of the solve was definitely the part that I struggled with the most - and I ended up changing my coloring part way through the solve. The whole box 1 & 2 logic propagating throughout the grid & other whispers was very nice and it was very entertaining to work on.
This puzzle took me nearly 2 hours, but was surprisingly well paced throughout. Definitely worth giving it a go.
on 19. October 2023, 00:08 by snuuba
Several hours of desperation, but finally cracked it. Probably the hardest puzzle I’ve ever solved.
on 12. October 2022, 15:23 by Mody
Mehrmals angefangen und wieder beiseite gelegt, bis ich endlich den Anfang gefunden habe.
Fantastisch konstruiert.
Started and put aside several times until I finally found the beginning.
Fantastically constructed.
on 28. May 2022, 16:25 by Frans Wentholt
Wonderful puzzle!
on 24. March 2022, 09:58 by AquaRegis
My first 5 star Phistomefel Solve! It was challenging but I never felt frustrated. Super enjoyable!
on 26. October 2021, 19:29 by marcmees
Very hard but rewarding as most of your puzzles. Thanks for this one.
on 26. October 2021, 13:40 by dissonance
Fantastic puzzle !
The first logic steps are quite challenging, after that it's so rewarding.
Very well done, thanks for sharing.
on 25. October 2021, 08:07 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
on 24. October 2021, 01:53 by TheRiddler
Absolutely brutal, but very rewarding!
on 23. October 2021, 15:49 by alpha_bet
So incredibly elegant. It is always a pleasure, Phistomefel :-)
on 23. October 2021, 09:55 by William Cheese
Decent puzzle.
on 23. October 2021, 09:37 by Farkov
That was a grind from start to finish, but an enjoyable one :)
on 23. October 2021, 08:18 by Phistomefel
Thank you very much for the nice feedback, everyone! :)
on 23. October 2021, 07:51 by Jeet Sampat
Brilliant puzzle! Everything is so brilliantly designed. Plus the satisfaction you get once you reach the final whispers line is amazing! Thanks for yet another amazing puzzle :)
on 23. October 2021, 07:44 by glum_hippo
Ein kniffliger Spaß!
on 23. October 2021, 06:24 by DiMono
What a beast! I broke this several times before finally getting through it.
on 22. October 2021, 16:46 by ___
i have been looking forward to this puzzle and it was certainly a joy to solve throughout. for a whispers puzzle with only a given digit to deduce high/low parity, i especially appreciated how it does not all collapse at once. thank you Phistomefel!
on 22. October 2021, 13:20 by udukos
Very nice break-in!
on 22. October 2021, 11:22 by Playmaker6174
It's always a pleasure to solve a Phistomefel's puzzle; the break-in was so cool and beautiful it made me almost cry, then the deductions in later solve with anti-knight were also lovely and a bit magical too ;)
on 22. October 2021, 08:25 by Vebby
Brilliant use of the constraints! Consistently challenging with lovely logic throughout. Thanks Phistomefel! :)
on 22. October 2021, 07:20 by thoughtbyte
Very nice puzzle! Thank you