Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cloned Quadruples

(Published on 22. October 2021, 23:58 by ExFalsoQuodlibet)

Normal sudoku rules apply

Duplicated Quadruple: Each circle is surrounded by exactly the same four digits---to be determined by the solver.

Clones: The two grey regions are 'clones' of each other. They each have the same digits in the same positions.

Cages: Digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner.

Little Killer:Digits along diagonals pointed to by arrows must sum to the given number. Digits may repeat along the diagonal if allowed by the other rules.

CTC link

Fpuzzles link

Solution code: row 5 followed by column 6 (no commas or spaces)

Solved by SKORP17, absolutebeginner, Eloi.blok, weiken, WarriorKitten, ScatterBrain, OhHeyGuysItsMax, karen_birgitta, Askloomok, Mark Sweep, mobiustrip, geronimo92, lovely, S4K, cdwg2000, bolado, zorant, PinkNickels, Crul, Mr.CHEN, zuzanina, Raistlen, Kirra, zrbakhtiar, Miaocik, Uhu, ManuH, PippoForte
Full list


on 29. October 2021, 17:39 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 25. October 2021, 14:38 by ScatterBrain
Nice how the little killer clues were left with 1 degree of freedom for a while, and had to be worked a second time.

on 23. October 2021, 13:16 by Eloi.blok
Nice puzzle, tks!

Rating:88 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:7 times

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