Normal sudoku rules apply
Thermometer Digits must increase along thermometers starting from the bulb end
German Whisper Lines Adjacent digits along the lines must differ by at least 5
Kropki Cells connected by a black dot must have a ratio of 1:2. Cells connected by a white dot must be consecutive.
Solution code: row nine followed by column 9 (no commas or spaces)
on 18. November 2024, 19:46 by burgermason sudokupad with solution checking and colors
on 17. November 2024, 03:52 by garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:
on 22. October 2023, 09:27 by snuuba
Fun puzzle which my thermo incompatible brain nearly broke, at the very end I was staring at a deadly pattern for good 10 minutes until I realized that numbers do actually increase from the bulb… Thanks for feeding me humble pie : )
on 27. September 2023, 18:47 by cascadeshiker
Lovely puzzle. Surprisingly sparse grid for such an approachable puzzle. Thanks.
on 18. September 2023, 19:28 by silent_rob
Thanks for the fun puzzle!
on 27. February 2023, 01:57 by RussKozerski
I'm thinking about all the times I've spoken to my TV in a sarcastic tone because Mark or Simon are missing something obvious. And I just stared at the consecutive 78 pair on the thermometer for like 10 minutes trying to figure out how I'm going to resolve the last few cells of the puzzle. Doh.
on 15. December 2021, 15:49 by Bankey
Nice de-stress puzzle. Thanks, EFQ :-)
on 29. October 2021, 17:28 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.
on 21. October 2021, 18:34 by thoughtbyte
Very fun, approachable puzzle!
on 21. October 2021, 12:03 by Chelo
Very funny solving, thank you and keep on setting!..
on 21. October 2021, 07:38 by ExFalsoQuodlibet
Fixed typo in solution code (apologies!)